Reaffirming the crucial role of international law and the United Nations efforts to promote those principles, the General Assembly today adopted, without a vote, 17 draft resolutions and 9 draft decisions recommended by its Sixth Committee (Legal), as well a text related to the work of the Credentials Committee.
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Reporting to the Security Council today that prospects for a two-State resolution of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continue to fade, the Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace called for the international community to go beyond rhetoric when encouraging progress.
The United Nations ability to carry out its mandate has been constrained by cash shortages in 2018 and 2019, its top official for accounting-related activities warned the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today, as the representative of the Russian Federation challenged the way the Organization is managing the liquidity crisis.
At today’s Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) meeting, Japan’s delegate expressed her concerns with a Secretariat request to approve $64.5 million in new charges against the contingency fund set aside for the Organization’s upcoming 2020 regular budget.
Indigenous languages are in danger of extinction unless concrete measures are taken to protect them, speakers warned today, as the General Assembly convened a high‑level event marking the conclusion of the 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages.
Essential tasks in forming a transitional Government to end the tragic conflict in South Sudan must be accomplished with urgency if the parties are to meet their latest extended 100-day timeline, the top United Nations official for the country told the Security Council today.
Whereas the imposition of sanctions cannot be an end in itself, such measures can play a vital role in helping to restore peace and stability if Member States implement them in full, the outgoing chairs of Security Council subsidiary bodies told members today.
The General Assembly today adopted five humanitarian‑focused resolutions, primarily on strengthening coordination of United Nations humanitarian and disaster relief assistance, while rejecting two amendments proposing to remove language related to reproductive and sexual health in emergency situations.
The results of the 28 September presidential election in Afghanistan must be accepted by all stakeholders, especially the candidates, if it is to move forward along a path to sustainable peace, the top United Nations official in that country told the Security Council today.
Delegates in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today backed the full 2020 funding of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) at $20.4 million to help the mission created in June by the Security Council carry out its mandate to create a peaceful and stable environment.