The Security Council decided today to extend for 12 months the mandate of the team monitoring sanctions against individuals and entities associated with the Taliban, reiterating the need to ensure that the measures contribute to security and reconciliation in Afghanistan.
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The root causes of conflict between farmers and herders and other drivers of intercommunal and extremist violence must be urgently addressed in a holistic manner to stop rising instability in West Africa, the Secretary‑General’s Special Representative for that region told the Security Council today.
United Nations conference facilities in Kenya’s capital badly need upgrading and expansion as a centre for multilateralism, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) heard today, as it also examined the required financial resources to implement resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council.
The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of its First Committee (Disarmament and International Security), adopted 57 draft resolutions and three decisions today, including many aimed at reinvigorating multilateral efforts to curb the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons in all corners of the world.
The General Assembly today adopted three resolutions on the culture of peace, highlighting the need to foster interreligious and cultural dialogue, temper social media and bolster education in efforts to prevent future clashes between and within societies.
The Security Council today encouraged Member States to comprehensively engage young people in fostering durable peace, building upon the initiative “Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2020” and on the Council’s 2 October debate on mobilizing young people towards that goal.
The Chair of the Security Council’s Sudan sanctions committee today described a much-improved security situation in Darfur — and a positive political trajectory across the country — while outlining efforts to better explain the scope and purpose of the sanctions in place against the country.
The Secretary-General is very concerned about developments on the Korean Peninsula, including the 28 November firing of two projectiles that marked the thirteenth launch of ballistic missiles by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in 2019, a senior Secretariat official told the Security Council today.
While the General Assembly today adopted, without a vote, a draft resolution on global health and foreign policy that aims at strengthening health‑care systems, some delegations rejected language referring to reproductive rights, contending that abortion should not be recognized as a right, and called for a vote on two paragraphs.