265th Meeting (PM)

Concluding Annual Session, Special Peacekeeping Operations Committee Approves Draft Report Outlining Proposals, Conclusions on Range of Substantive Items

Concluding its work today, the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations approved, as orally revised, the draft report of its 2020 substantive session (document A/AC.121/2020/L.3).

Special Committee Rapporteur Abdullah Ibrahim Abdelhamid Alsayed Attelb (Egypt) introduced the draft report, which contains proposals, recommendations and conclusions submitted by the Working Group of the Whole on a range of peacekeeping issues.  The Committee is tasked with reviewing and providing recommendations to the General Assembly on such matters.

Several delegates took the floor to welcome the achievement, with Ibrahim Modibbo Umar (Nigeria) commending the Non-Aligned Movement for its spirit of compromise and expressing hope more broadly that a give-and-take attitude would be sustained in future negotiations.

Yasser Halfaoui (Morocco) praised delegates for their flexibility, noting that after a painful experience in 2019, it was important to have a specific outcome.  Similarly, Federico González Vivas (Uruguay), also speaking for Mexico and Argentina, welcomed the collective achievement of producing a special outcome, noting that following a year in which it produced no report, the Special Committee in 2020 used a new structure, based on the “A4P” programme, to update work methods.  “The report will be an important contribution for the future of peacekeeping operations,” he assured.

Similarly, Cherith Norman-Chalet (United States) said that the report provides a solid foundation for peacekeeping operations and policies and thanked delegates for their constructive tone and engagement during negotiations.

Caroline Quinn (United Kingdom) highlighted the Special Committee’s efforts to produce a more substantive, user-friendly report which makes a difference to those working in the field.  Thanking the Chair, she said “you have proven that General Assembly Committees can be reformed to produce better outcomes.”  She expressed hope of continuing this valuable work to make peacekeeping fit for the twenty-first century.

Echoing that sentiment, Terada Tatsuro (Japan) said that this year’s negotiations were critical for reform of the Special Committee.  Much progress has been made.  The Special Committee demonstrated solidarity and a strong will to support peacekeepers on the ground, a feat that could not have been envisioned a year ago.  He expressed hope the report would produce tangible outcomes through implementation by Member States, the Secretariat and the missions.

Song Li (China), noting that his delegation participated in consultations, said “we have finished our work successfully” and expressed hope that innovative methods would be used going forward to implement the “A4P” initiative.

Special Committee Chair Samson Sunday Itegboje (Nigeria) delivered closing remarks.

The session began at Headquarters on 17 February.

For information media. Not an official record.