In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly

Recognizing that preventing an arms race in outer space would avert a grave danger for international peace and security, the General Assembly would call uponall States, particularly those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful use of outer space, according to the terms of one of 25 draft resolutions and decisions approved this afternoon by the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security).
Even though many delegates expressed a newfound optimism that United States-Cuba relations could improve with the change of Administration in Washington, the United Nations General Assembly today once again adopted a stern resolution calling on the United States to end a trade embargo, which had created human suffering and wrecked havoc with the economy of the island nation.
As the United Nations strove to keep pace with the demands of peacekeeping around the world in operations that were ever increasing in scope and complexity, delegates in the Fourth Committee today called for clear guidance for peacekeeping field personnel, especially when entrusted with protection mandates for civilians in areas of armed conflict.
No State was free from human rights violations and the challenge for the United Nations was to ensure that the system of accountability it established could function effectively in relation to as many States as possible, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions told the Third Committee today, as it continued its discussion on ways to protect and promote human rights.
As the Sixth Committee today continued its consideration of the report of the International Law Commission, with a focus on responsibility of international organizations and other matters, Japan’s representative called on the Commission to take up some aspect of international environmental law so as to carry out its main task of elaborating draft articles towards conventions and to fully engage with the crucial needs of the present-day international community.
With the well-being of the world’s natural resources and physical environment hanging in the balance, senior officials from the five United Nations Regional Commissions shed light on their respective efforts to protect the populations and economies they served during an interactive dialogue with the Second Committee this afternoon on “regional perspectives on the economic impacts of climate change.”