In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly

The “appalling” scenes that emerged from Syria in August were a “stark and horrific reminder” of why the international community had a duty to eliminate weapons of mass destruction in all their forms, Ireland’s delegate told the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) today as its annual debate on the broad spectrum of items before it continued in the glare of recent events.
A broad range of stakeholders’ commitments, criticisms and concerns had built momentum towards redoubling efforts in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and towards advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015, said General Assembly Vice-President Octavio Errázuriz today at the close of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development.
Meeting the Millennium Development Goals before the 2015 deadline and paving the way beyond hinged on a strong financing framework that reflected a changing landscape of climate emergencies, economic crises and innovative solutions, delegates heard today as the General Assembly began a two-day High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development.