In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly

Concluding its second resumed substantive session, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today recommended financial arrangements for 12 United Nations peacekeeping operations for the year beginning on 1 July 2014, which, once approved by the General Assembly, would total $5.6 billion, and authorized the first increase in reimbursement rates for troop-contributing countries in more than a decade.
NAIROBI, 2 July — Ahead of the closing today of the United Nations Seminar, participants considered mobilization of global assistance to the Palestinian people and its effective use for sustainable growth in the context of a new aid paradigm, hearing that foreign aid might not be the key to unlock development, as many had thought.
The General Assembly decided today to convene a high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS in 2016. Acting without a vote, the Assembly adopted a draft decision titled “Global Partnerships” (document A/68/L.51) on implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, agreeing that consultations should be held during its seventieth session to determine the modalities and organizational arrangements for the high-level event.

The Special Committee on Decolonization today concluded its 2014 substantive session with the approval, without a vote, of three draft resolutions, including one calling on France, New Caledonia’s administering Power, to consider developing an education programme to inform the people in the Territory about the nature of self-determination and prepare them for a future decision on the matter.

The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People will convene the United Nations Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People at the United Nations Office in Nairobi, Kenya, on 1 and 2 July, under the theme “Fostering Active International Solidarity with the Palestinians: Solidifying the Economic Underpinnings of an Independent State”.