In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly


As peacekeeping operations moved away from traditional military frameworks and towards more multidimensional, dynamic models, consultations with troop- and police-contributing countries must remain at the heart of all aspects of United Nations mission planning, from the earliest stages to the exit strategies and beyond, speakers in the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) emphasized today as they continued their comprehensive review of peacekeeping.


Until donors ramped up contributions, humanitarian actors were no longer able to provide core assistance to the record number of displaced people worldwide, the head of the United Nations refugee agency told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it concluded discussions on racism and began consideration of humanitarian questions.


Concerned about the possibility of outer space becoming “an arena for military confrontation”, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) today approved a draft resolution, one of two on the topic, asking the General Assembly to urge an early commencement of substantive work to prevent the placement of weapons in outer space.


The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today approved a draft resolution that aimed to improve the quality of conference services held in its offices around the globe while upholding the equal use of its six official languages in the written world of documents and publications as well as crucial interpretation and translation services.


Opening discussion today on the broad array of issues deliberated upon by the International Law Commission in its sixty-seventh session, the Sixth Committee (Legal) began with the first cluster of topics, debating the Commission’s approach to “Protection of the atmosphere” and its conclusions on the “Most-Favoured-Nation clause”, of which it had completed consideration.