In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly: Meetings Coverage


Multidimensional macroeconomic crises are stalling or even reversing gains in development and poverty reduction, requiring not only urgent, comprehensive reform of an inequitable global financial system, but also new, innovative international tax cooperation, United Nations experts warned today, as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) took up that issue.


As the Sixth Committee (Legal) today began consideration of the International Law Commission’s draft articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters, speakers diverged over whether that product appropriately balanced the need to protect the rights of those affected by a disaster against those of the State in which it occurred, and if an international legal framework should be elaborated based on those texts.


Due to a backsliding in human rights exacerbated by global crises and conflicts, gender equality has fallen farther out of reach, while States play catch-up with initiatives supporting access to services and promoting women’s economic and political development, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) heard today, continuing its debate today on the advancement of women.