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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage

The United Nations must provide predictable and sufficient funds to its intergovernmental bodies, Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) delegates said today as they scrutinized the costs during the next biennium of new and existing activities of entities focused on human rights and sustainable development.
Spotlighting global cooperation to combat violent extremism, the scourge of “conflict diamonds” and assistance to Rwandan genocide survivors, the General Assembly adopted five resolutions today that focused, among other things, on building a culture of peace to reduce tensions around the world. It also elected two members to the Peacebuilding Commission’s Organizational Committee.
Delegations of the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today voiced their concerns with the cost overruns of the Organization’s two-year, multibillion-dollar budget that ends on 31 December 2013, as well as with the significant financial demands of nearly two dozen special political missions for the upcoming two-year budget cycle that begins in January.
Against a grim backdrop plagued by a rising frequency and severity of climate change impacts and continued bloodshed and violence in conflict-affected States, capacity-building efforts and enhanced cooperation must be priorities in shaping the world’s humanitarian response strategies, delegates heard today as the General Assembly unanimously adopted a package of five resolutions. Doing so, the Assembly concluded its joint debate on that subject and on assistance to Rwandan genocide survivors.