In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly: Meetings Coverage

Delegates expressed alarm today that proposed cuts to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti would thwart that struggling Caribbean nation’s gains towards stability and development, as the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Financial) examined the budgets for the previous and current cycles of that mission and three other peacekeeping operations.

Despite expanding mandates and expectations and shrinking resources, the United Nations remained the “repository” of historic and current information for Governments, children, women and men to use to advance the collective human cause, the Organization’s senior communications official told the Committee on Information as it concluded its general debate.

The General Assembly today adopted a resolution entitled the “Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries”, by which a 10-year review of the Almaty Declaration and Action Programme would be convened from 3 to 5 November, and by which preparatory sessions on 12 and 13 June and 2 and 3 October in the run-up to the event would be held.