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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage


To uphold its noble legacy, United Nations peacekeepers must adopt a more flexible posture, tailored to specific conflicts and endowed with the resources and capabilities needed to improve foresight in tackling new threats, delegates in the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations said today as they concluded their general debate.


The time had come for the United Nations, its Member States and other partners to engage in a frank discussion on the future of peacekeeping in response to ever-changing threats and challenges in some of the world’s most hostile environments, the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations heard today as it opened its 2018 substantive session.


Convening its first 2018 meeting amid several major shifts in the United Nations peacebuilding architecture, the Peacebuilding Commission today elected Ion Jinga (Romania) as Chair of its twelfth session, while also adopting a workplan aimed at expanding the Commission’s work and building synergies both within and beyond the United Nations system.


The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) was presented today with documents assessing the second performance report on the 2016‑2017 programme budget, as well as the programme budget implications and revised estimates resulting from exchange rates, inflation and resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly’s main committees and other United Nations bodies.