In progress at UNHQ

General Assembly: No name


Recognizing and advocating the importance of a rancour-free and non-retaliatory work environment made possible by amicably mediated disputes, delegates at the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today called for sustained efforts in entrenching the principles of accountability, due process and the rule of law at the United Nations, at the same time strengthening these processes to also accommodate non-staff personnel.


In an unusual move, the General Assembly today voted on a draft resolution, annually adopted by consensus, on sport as an enabler for sustainable development, in a meeting during which most delegations displayed broad agreement that the Olympic and Paralympic Games can be a “game changer” by bringing people together and serving as a powerful engine for economic growth.


The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today approved 15 resolutions, voting on 3 of them, including a text by which the General Assembly would request the Secretary-General to further encourage the United Nations Coalition on Combating Sand and Dust Storms to conduct its priority activities as identified by the Coalition’s five working groups: knowledge-sharing, capacity-building, training, awareness-raising and support.


With increased violent conflicts around the world and heightened scrutiny of the Security Council’s actions as a result, the General Assembly met today for its annual debate on how to reform the 15-nation organ, with speakers reiterating their calls to make it more representative, transparent and accountable in order to address the most serious threats to international peace and security.