Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro’s remarks to the Economic and Social Council and Peacebuilding Commission on job creation for young people, in New York, 4 June:
A high-level event convened by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to mark the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will be part of a two-week meeting beginning at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Monday.
Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro’s remarks to the Economic and Social Council Conference on Creating a Sustainable Future: Empowering Youth with Better Job Opportunities, in New York, 4 May:
The Economic and Social Council will hold a Youth Forum on 4 May from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the ECOSOC Chamber at Headquarters, New York, on the theme “Creating a Sustainable Future: Empowering Youth with Better Job Opportunities”.
The fifty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will open on 27 February at United Nations Headquarters, focused on the theme of empowerment of rural women and their role in poverty and hunger eradication, sustainable development and current challenges. The Commission will agree on urgent actions needed to make a real difference in the lives of millions of rural women.
People who have made special contributions towards protecting forests and forest communities will receive the Forest Heroes Award at a special ceremony hosted by the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat to mark the conclusion of the International Year of Forests, on 9 February at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Young people around the world are deeply concerned about a lack of job opportunities and are calling for increased investment in that area, according to the latest World Youth Report, issued today by the United Nations. In the aftermath of the economic crisis, the global youth unemployment rate saw its largest annual increase on record in 2009, resulting in around 75.8 million unemployed youth.
Poverty eradication, full and productive employment and socially inclusive policies will take centre stage at the fiftieth session of the Commission for Social Development when it meets at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 to 10 February.
The United Nations Postal Administration issued today a series of eight stamps to commemorate the International Year of Forests, illustrating the important role trees and forests play in people’s lives.