In progress at UNHQ

Commission on the Status of Women


​​​​​​​With the world celebrating International Women’s Day today, ministers and other high-level Government officials underscored the need to strengthen women and girls’ inclusion in innovation and technology, close the digital gender divide and address digital violence as the Commission on the Status of Women continued its sixty-seventh session.


Ministers and other high-level officials spotlighted ways in which their Governments are promoting digital technology, education and innovation for girls and women, while also ensuring online safety to narrow the gap in the gender digital divide, as the Commission on the Status of Women continued its sixty-seventh session today.


Highlighting the new opportunities digital technology is creating for women and girls around the world, speakers renewed calls for investments to bridge the gender digital divide, ensure a safe digital environment and ensure the full participation of women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and math, as the Commission on the Status of Women opened its annual session today.


Despite progress in bringing women to the table when shaping climate change responses, more must be done to ensure equality in local to global decision-making roles, delegates and civil society representatives said today, as the Commission on the Status of Women concluded the general discussion segment of its sixty-sixth session.


Strong female-based societies, indigenous women, women legislators and girls are agents of positive change and role models for sustainability, protecting the Earth and forging monumental achievements along the common global path towards sustainable development, delegates said today, calling for action to include their knowledge and experiences, as the Commission on the Status of Women continued the general discussion segment of its sixty-sixth session.