In progress at UNHQ

9705th Meeting (AM)

Creating Enabling Environment for Upcoming Elections in South Sudan Key to Advancing Peace Accord’s Implementation, Peacekeeping Mission Head Tells Security Council

Delegates Also Raise Concern over Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation 

As South Sudan takes steps to implement the 2018 peace agreement, it is vital to create an enabling environment for elections in that country, the UN’s top official in the strife-torn country told the Security Council today, as delegates expressed concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation.

Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), noting that the parties continue discussions to resolve outstanding issues in the implementation road map, spotlighted the Tumaini Initiative — a dialogue process launched in Nairobi.

“These talks — re-located from Rome and now hosted by the Government of Kenya — seek to ensure that non-signatory groups, civil society, faith-based groups and traditional leaders join the peace process,” he said, adding that the Tumaini Initiative also proposes new monitoring, oversight and implementation mechanisms and a National Leadership Council structure.  However, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO) announced its withdrawal from the Tumaini process on 16 July, citing concerns that “it dealt with matters that were already agreed in the Revitalized Peace Agreement and accordingly have gone beyond its remit”.

He underscored that, while UNMISS has encouraged an approach where both processes would be mutually reinforcing in the search for consensus among all stakeholders — that is, among formal signatories and non-signatories to the peace agreement — “further clarity is required on how the Tumaini initiative will converge with and thus complement the framework of the Revitalized Agreement”.  He emphasized that “the Mission is not championing either process as an exclusive modality, but is promoting the constructive confluence of the two”.  He asserted that both processes must advance with deliberate speed to deliver on the aspirations of South Sudanese.  To this end, UNMISS continues to support the creation of conditions that will lead to elections in South Sudan, “whenever they are to be held”.

Meanwhile, subnational violence continues to undermine the nominal stability realized thus far, he observed, voicing concern over deadly clashes in the Greater Upper Nile region, which required a reinforced UNMISS presence in Pariang, alleged National Salvation Front abductions in Central Equatoria, and intercommunal violence and criminality involving communities in Warrap, Lakes, Unity and Jonglei.  “A perfect storm is gathering in South Sudan, as regards its humanitarian and economic outlook,” he cautioned, adding that the Mission is working closely with the UN country team, humanitarian partners and the Government of South Sudan on scenario planning, analysis and mitigations for this difficult period ahead. However, he stated, “time is running out” and “the costs of inaction at this juncture are too great” — should the elements of the perfect storm converge, it would outstretch the response capacity of the UN and risk derailing the country’s political transition.

Also briefing the Council was Charles Tai Gituai, Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission, who described it as “the official oversight body responsible for overseeing, monitoring and evaluating the status of the implementation of the 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan.  Noting that next month will mark six years since the signing of the Agreement, he said this has been “the longest period of relative peace and stability since independence in 2011”.  However, the pace of implementation of the accord has been slow despite the extension of the transition period, he said, adding that “key tasks such as completion of the unification of forces, making of the current constitution and various election-related preparatory tasks are still outstanding”.

The main challenges in implementation include “insufficient political will, a trust deficit among the parties, capacity gaps and persistent levels of intercommunal violence,” he said.  This is exacerbated by insufficient and unpredictable funding for institutions and mechanisms.  While the Political Parties Council has adopted a code of conduct and registered 29 political parties, there are concerns about the procedures followed.  Noting that an interparty committee reviewed the road map’s implementation and submitted its report, he said the next task is to develop a realistic timetable for elections.  “It is expected that the timetable will be accompanied by a budget and guaranteed funding,” he added.

“The permanent ceasefire continues to hold, which is commendable”, he said.  Turning to the Tumaini Initiative, he added that the outcomes of the ongoing Nairobi talks should align with the peace accord.  Also reiterating the need to address the humanitarian situation, he said the special reconstruction fund provided for in the Agreement has not yet been established.  The economic situation continues to worsen, burdened by a reduction in oil revenue.  The National Constitution Review Commission is trying to enhance its internal readiness; however, key tasks such as public consultations have not substantively begun.  Despite these challenges, the Revitalized Agreement has brought peace, inclusive governance structures and reforms, he said, adding that it “remains the most valuable blueprint and transformative framework” for peace and prosperity in South Sudan.

Edem Wosornu, Director of Operations and Advocacy in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, noted that the humanitarian crisis is the result of a “perfect storm of stressors” and cautioned that, “without immediate action, things will get even more worse”.  More than 9 million people — 76 per cent of the population — require humanitarian protection and assistance; 54 per cent of those in need are children.  “2.5 million children and women are at risk of acute malnutrition,” she said, adding that flooding combined with the conflict in Sudan could result in “pockets of potential famine”.  Pointing to heavy rains since May, she said 300,000 people have been impacted.  The flood response preparedness plan for the second half of 2024 seeks to support 2.4 million people at a cost of $264 million.  South Sudan’s Government has committed $76 million, which is 28 per cent of the total amount, she noted, asking donors to step up and close the gap.

Turning to the deepening economic crisis, she drew attention to the cessation of most oil exports through Sudan following the damage to the pipeline. The currency has depreciated drastically and made basic commodities unaffordable, while annual inflation has reached critical levels. Families are reducing the number of meals per day, she said noting that women and children bear the brunt of this, by “eating least and eating last”.  Due to the conflict in neighbouring Sudan and the displacement crisis, 780,000 people have fled to South Sudan.  Over 580,000 are South Sudanese returnees and many are arriving malnourished, requiring life-saving assistance.  Despite the challenges, the humanitarian community continues to deliver aid, including food and cash assistance.   However, “South Sudan remains one of the most dangerous places for humanitarians to operate,” she said, noting violence against humanitarian personnel and assets.

“Underfunding continues to hamper an adequate and timely humanitarian response,” she said, noting that ,in 2024, only $561 million representing 31 per cent of the $1.8 billion needed under the Humanitarian Response Plan has been received.  Noting the projected collapse of water, sanitation and hygiene pipelines this month, she said this will leave 1.2 million people without essentials.  Calling on the Council to act during the small window of opportunity available now, she said it is crucial “to tackle food insecurity, help South Sudan prepare for severe flooding and support a humanitarian response commensurate with the huge levels of need.”  “Every delay does cost lives,” she said, adding that “the humanitarian shortfalls are not just numbers, they translate into empty food supply lines and unmet needs for basic shelter and sanitation”.

“It is long past time that the people of South Sudan experience the peace, security and freedom that they fought for and deserve,” said the representative of the United States, highlighting UNMISS’ efforts in advancing the political process in South Sudan and urging the country’s leaders to engage in dialogue and bring this transitional period to peaceful elections. However, she stressed, “free and fair elections are not just about what happens on the election day,” they require open civic and political spaces every single day, allowing all to meaningfully take part in democracy.

For that reason, she expressed concern that — if passed into law — provisions of the National Security Service Act threaten to further erode the country’s political and civil environment.  By allowing arrests without warrant, the act would curtail the freedom the expression, she said, urging the transitional Government to reconsider.  Equally alarming is that over the past month, the transitional Government has imposed taxes and fees on the UN’s humanitarian and diplomatic cargo, significantly impacting humanitarian and peacekeeping operations, she said, underling the need to ensure the freedom of movement of UNMISS personnel.  “South Sudan is at a critical crossroads,” she observed, adding that “the transitional Government has the opportunity to choose the path of peace and prosperity over fear and desperation”.

“The political dynamics in South Sudan continue to be shaped around the prospect of elections,” said Mozambique’s delegate, speaking also for Algeria, Guyana and Sierra Leone.  For the first time in its history, the country is preparing to carry out this sovereign exercise — “a milestone in its journey towards consolidating the rule of law and democracy”.  While noting some positive developments — particularly in operationalizing the technical electoral bodies — he urged the parties to redouble their efforts in the implementation of the Transition Roadmap and build consensus on realistic steps to hold elections as scheduled.  In this context, he commended the engagements in the framework of the Tumaini Initiative. He also underlined the urgency of scaling up humanitarian funding to meet the needs of the most vulnerable.

His counterpart from the Russian Federation said that, despite all the problems in recent years, South Sudanese authorities have achieved relative stabilization and progress in State-building and security. “We trust that the process of creating unified armed forces will go at a more energetic tempo to guarantee further peace process and the holding of general elections at the end of 2024,” she added.  To this, a constructive outlook is required from both Juba and the opposition forces.

“The authorities of South Sudan are carrying out painstaking work to prepare for the elections,” she stated.  Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the structures responsible for the electoral process are starting to receive funding and regional branches of the National Electoral Commission have been opened in every state.  Despite the influx of refugees and returnees from Sudan, Juba has successfully responded to human rights-related challenges, stopping interethnic classes and shielding women and children from violence.  She further underscored that “the question of holding the election in the country is the sovereign affair of South Sudan itself”.

Echoing that sentiment, China’s delegate urged the international community to respect South Sudan’s sovereignty and ownership in the political transition and refrain from imposing pressure and external standards on that country.  “South Sudan is at a critical stage in implementing the Revitalization Agreement,” he stated, underscoring the need to support the country in advancing its political transition.  To promote political transition and national stability, services should be provided for vital institutions such as the National Electoral Commission.  Also, he highlighted the need to address security challenges such as inter-communal conflicts.  The international community and UNMISS should continue to support Juba in advancing security and the protection of civilians.  Furthermore, given the influx of refugees aggravating the country's economic crisis, States should take seriously the severe challenge posed by insufficient humanitarian response funding in Sudan, step up humanitarian assistance and meet the needs of the South Sudanese people.

Numerous delegates urged South Sudan to intensify efforts to hold peaceful, credible and inclusive elections, with the speaker for the Republic of Korea welcoming the dialogue that is underway and calling on all parties to reach an agreement on the electoral timeline.  The representatives of Switzerland and Ecuador underscored the need for free and safe civic spaces and increased participation of women in this process.  Drawing attention to the new National Security Service Bill, the speaker for the United Kingdom expressed concern about reports of threats and intimidation of political activists, journalists and human rights defenders.

Rounding out the discussion, South Sudan’s representative reaffirmed commitment to the Revitalized Agreement and the road map and acknowledged that “the benchmarks for holding elections still needs to be fully met”.  Noting a meeting yesterday chaired by her country's President in which the leaders of political parties participated, she said they reviewed the implementation of the peace agreement and resolved to seek technical advice from the electoral commission on the feasibility of conducting the upcoming elections.  Also reaffirming commitment to ongoing mediation efforts, such as the Tumaini Initiative, she expressed appreciation to the United States for funding this process.

Turning to the humanitarian situation, she noted that millions of people are facing severe food insecurity due to flooding for the past four years and the added strain of incoming refugees from the conflict in Sudan.  She appealed for increased humanitarian assistance and funding, especially in anticipation of the floods expected later this year.  South Sudan is committed to reducing intercommunal violence, ensuring the protection of civilians and upholding accountability for conflict-related sexual violence, she underscored.  It is working closely with UNMISS to maintain security and stability across the nation, she said.  Highlighting the economic challenges facing her country, she pointed to disruptions to oil exports and rising prices.  The Government is taking steps to raise non-oil revenues and stabilize the situation, she said, adding:  “As the sun rises after the darkest night, so too will our nation emerge stronger from these trials.”

For information media. Not an official record.