In progress at UNHQ

Seventy-eighth Session,
37th Meeting (AM)

General Assembly Fills Vacancies in Committee for Programme and Coordination, Committee on Conferences, Adopts Resolution on Central Asian Economies

The General Assembly today filled vacancies in the Committee for Programme and Coordination, the main subsidiary body of the Assembly and the Economic and Social Council for such work, and in the Committee on Conferences, which advises the Assembly on matters pertaining to the organization of United Nations conferences.

Presiding over the meeting, General Assembly Vice-President Burhan Gafoor (Singapore), acting on the recommendation of the Economic and Social Council, announced the election of 19 Members to the Committee for Programme and Coordination for a three-year term beginning 1 January 2024: Armenia, Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Germany, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Rwanda, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay (document A/78/519). 

The States whose terms expire 31 December are Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Eswatini, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mali, Malta, Pakistan, Poland, United Kingdom and United States.

One member from among the Eastern European States remains to be elected for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 2024. The Assembly will act on the vacancy upon nomination by the Economic and Social Council. 

After the election, the representative of Iran took the floor on a point of order, wanting to disassociate himself from the decision to elect Israel.  Mr. Gafoor said there is no practice of a point of order under elections and requested the delegation to submit its position in writing to the Secretariat and Office of the Assembly President.  The delegate of Syria echoed what was said by Iran, expressing reservation over Israel’s election.  Mr. Gafoor likewise responded that the delegation must put its position in writing.

Also today, Mr. Gafoor said Assembly President Dennis Francis, acting on the recommendation of regional groups, has appointed Argentina, Botswana, France, Philippines, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka to serve as Members of the Committee on Conferences for a period of three years, beginning on 1 January 2024 (document A/78/92).

The terms of office of France, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Russian Federation and Sri Lanka and of one of the vacancies remaining to be filled from the Latin American and Caribbean States will expire on 31 December.

The Assembly President has also appointed Brazil and Peru for a term of office beginning on the date of appointment and expiring on 31 December 2024 and Guatemala for a term of office beginning on the date of appointment and expiring on 31 December 2025.

The Committee on Conferences is a permanent subsidiary organ of the Assembly and is composed of 21 members appointed by the President of the Assembly, after consultations with the chairs of the regional groups, for a period of three years.  One-third of the Committee’s membership retires annually.  Retiring members are eligible for reappointment.

In other business, the Assembly adopted the draft resolution titled “Commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (document A/78/L.8).

By its terms, the Assembly calls for the consistent involvement of the Economic Commission for Europe and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in further strengthening activities of the Special Programme.  The resolution also highlights the possibility of a United Nations multi-partner trust fund, which would provide financial support from international donors to implement projects under the Special Programme.

Introducing the draft, the representative of Azerbaijan said the Programme plays a significant role as a regional platform to strengthen economic cooperation and development in the Central Asian region in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Since its establishment in 1998, it has advanced the interests of its members as well as good neighbourly relations, he said, adding that Azerbaijan, as Programme chair this year, will organize a meeting of heads of States on 25 November in Baku.  The meeting will focus on the critical role of the region in diversifying transit routes, promoting digitalization, facilitating trade and transport, and leveraging resources for sustainable development in the region and beyond. 

For information media. Not an official record.