70th Meeting (AM)

Central Asia Zone of Peace ‘a Shining Example of Multilateralism’, Delegate Tells General Assembly

Organ also Adopts Resolutions on Nutrition Decade, Sustainable Transport Day, Community-based Health Services, Chernobyl Cooperation

Following its consideration of the zone of peace, trust and cooperation of Central Asia, the General Assembly today adopted four consensus resolutions — one calling for scaled-up efforts on the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025), one declaring 26 November as World Sustainable Transport Day, one recognizing the importance of community-based health services and one requesting continued cooperation on the legacy of the Chernobyl disaster.

By the terms of the text introduced by Brazil titled “Implementation of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025)”, the Assembly called for increased investments and the scaled-up implementation of national commitments.  In emphasizing the need to advance the global nutrition agenda in a manner consistent with the right to adequate food, it urged Member States to make food security, food safety and nutrition a high priority; strengthen the rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, equitable and transparent multilateral trading system; and keep food markets open.  The Assembly also called on them to accelerate their efforts across the Decade’s six action areas and on the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to continue to lead on and monitor implementation.

The organ next adopted the text introduced by Turkmenistan titled “World Sustainable Transport Day”, through which it invited all Member States, United Nations entities, international and regional organizations, civil society and other stakeholders to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner.  It notably requested the President of the Assembly to consider convening, during its seventy-eighth session, a half-day high-level meeting in New York with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs to promote sustainable transport cooperation.

By the draft resolution introduced by Bangladesh titled “Community-based primary health care:  a participatory and inclusive approach to universal health coverage”, the Assembly called on its Member States to allocate adequate resources, build synergies with other development priorities and explore innovative approaches.  Since health financing requires global solidarity and collective effort, it invited international financial institutions, multilateral and regional development banks and donors to provide the appropriate resources to strengthen community-based health services.  Among other things, it encouraged WHO to provide technical support for the long-term sustainability of community-based primary health care.

After the text’s adoption, several speakers took the floor to disassociate from specific paragraphs, with the representatives of Iran and the Russian Federation also underlining the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on sustainable development.

In other action, the Assembly adopted the resolution titled “Persistent legacy of the Chernobyl disaster”, by which it requested the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Inter-Agency Task Force on Chernobyl to continue coordinating international cooperation.  Stressing the need to continue the environmental and health monitoring of Chernobyl-affected regions and communities, it encouraged Member States and all interested parties to support international cooperation through partnerships, innovation and investment.  The Assembly also invited Member States, relevant United Nations agencies, international organizations and civil society to observe International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day.

Brian Christopher Manley Wallace (Jamaica), Vice-President of the General Assembly, speaking afterwards on behalf of General Assembly President Csaba Kőrösi (Hungary), said that the resolution reminds the world of the environmental and human catastrophe which results when nuclear reactors are unsafe. In that vein, he urged Member States to work together on nuclear safety and humanitarian issues.

At the outset, the Assembly held a debate on the declaration of Central Asia as a zone of peace, trust and cooperation (for background, see Press Release GA/12437).  Many speakers commended that declaration, with some offering recommendations alongside their encouragement, as Central Asian countries showcased regional and national efforts.

Germany’s delegate — underlining the region’s serious challenges from climate change, water scarcity, geopolitical tensions and the threat of terrorism — emphasized that stronger regional cooperation will promote prosperity by deepening intraregional trade, expanding renewable energy use and protecting natural resources.  The zone of peace can create the positive momentum to deepen ties and foster regional cooperation, she asserted.

Building on that, the representative of Azerbaijan said that the zone — a shining example of multilateralism — promotes the Charter of the United Nations.  That region’s countries have a particularly important role in advancing the Organization’s three pillars and promoting regional and global cooperation, he stressed, highlighting their close engagement on transport, logistics, energy, agriculture and tourism with Baku as examples.

Offering an example from within the region, Kyrgyzstan’s delegate spoke of the recent border delimitation with Uzbekistan to showcase what is possible through dialogue and the search for mutually acceptable solutions. Consultative meetings among the region’s Heads of State also provide an important platform for ensuring peace and trust, as can be seen by the recent treaty on friendship, good-neighbourliness and cooperation resulting from the fourth such meeting, she said.

The representative of the United Kingdom underscored that political stability, long-lasting reform and sustainable economic development are necessary for Central Asian States to fulfil their potential.  To that end, he encouraged them to continue working with the Peacebuilding Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund.

Argentina’s delegate — whose country is an active participant of the zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic — pointed out that the success of Central Asia’s zone will depend on the joint work of its member States and the support of the international community.  The current Assembly debate, she observed, is not just a sign of that commitment but also a promising signal.

The General Assembly will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 18 May, for a high-level meeting on the midterm review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation of Central Asia

AKSOLTAN ATAEVA (Turkmenistan), expressing her gratitude to the General Assembly for its unanimous support in adopting a historic resolution for Central Asia by declaring it a zone of peace, trust and cooperation, pointed out that the concept of such zones enables the international community to create long-term security guarantees.  Among other things, she spotlighted similar such initiatives in other regions; showcased the Central Asia region’s efforts on strengthening peace and stability, such as the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia and its project; and highlighted its regional sustainable development projects, including on transport, logistics and infrastructure.  The success of the Central Asian countries in maintaining a further strengthening of stable and lasting peace in the region notably depends on the support of the international community, she underscored, calling on all to cooperate to that end.

AKAN RAKHMETULLIN (Kazakhstan) said to coordinate its joint national efforts and those of the United Nations, his country will establish the United Nations Regional Centre for the Sustainable Development Goals for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty.  The hub will streamline the Organization’s inter-agency regional and interregional coordination and management to transform Central Asia into a zone of peace, security and sustainable development, with a spillover effect into Afghanistan.

Speaking as the Kazakhstan Chairmanship representative to the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, he said the Conference considers the establishment of confidence-building measures, peace and dialogue as the primary basis for broad cooperation.  It will achieve the goals of sustainable development and socioeconomic well-being on the vast Asian continent.  The Central Asian region is facing unprecedented new and emerging challenges and the forum includes 28 States, with eight observers.  The region’s entire perimeter is surrounded exclusively by Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia member States.  The Conference is a platform that gives Central Asia an outreach to other parts of the Asian continent and neighbouring subregions.  Central Asia tends to gain considerably from the Conference’s multifaceted, multidimensional portfolios.

MARÍA DEL CARMEN SQUEFF (Argentina), underlining the international community’s recognition that the establishment of zones of peace can contribute to the strengthening of economic development and peace, highlighted her country’s experience as an active participant of the zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic.  This zone is notably not only one of peace and cooperation but is also a nuclear-weapon-free zone.  She commended the efforts of Central Asian countries to promote confidence and cooperation at a time when it is more vital than ever.  The success of this initiative, however, will depend on the joint work and determination of the zone’s member States as well as the support of the international community.  In that regard, the current Assembly debate is a sign of that commitment and a promising signal, she said.

MUNIR AKRAM (Pakistan) said his country has made consistent efforts to promote peace and cooperation in its own and adjacent regions.  The Government actively advocated for the creation of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia for more than two decades.  This was thwarted by the nuclear explosions initiated by its neighbour.  Pakistan has also supported the creation of a zone of peace in the Indian Ocean, as declared by the Assembly in resolution 2832.  His delegation is concerned that the Indian Ocean is being drawn into a geostrategic construct that implies the renewal of rivalries and the emergence of new military alliances.  With these efforts to escalate military and political competition, it is even more vital to preserve Central Asia as a zone of peace.  A peaceful Central Asia can be a bulwark against the extension of conflicts from Europe to Asia and serve as a bridge of peace across the Eurasian landmass.

JONIBEK ISMOIL HIKMAT (Tajikistan) stressed that the Central Asian countries have demonstrated constructive and predictable inter-State relations at a time when the world is experiencing simultaneous crises in security, health, economics, politics and climate change.  In recognizing the significance of economic and social development for its people and the region’s prosperity, his Government has focused on infrastructure development, energy projects and economic diversification; seeks to harness its water potential to drive economic growth and employment; and is open to cooperation to that end.  Mitigating climate change, addressing waste and water pollution and ensuring environmental sustainability are pressing global issues, he continued, spotlighting several of Dushanbe’s initiatives to that end. Regarding its efforts on addressing shared security threats such as terrorism, its financing and drug trafficking, he reiterated his President’s call to build a security belt around Afghanistan while strengthening regional cooperation and coordination.

JOONKOOK HWANG (Republic of Korea) said it is highly commendable that these countries are aligning themselves with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.  The resolution addresses the importance of preventive diplomacy and the active role of women.  To address the complex transboundary challenges, such as terrorism and climate change, an integrated approach is crucial.  His delegation appreciates the role being played by the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, established in 2007.  The Centre has led to initiatives to empower women and youth.  His delegation supports the Center’s proactive role in addressing the challenges in Afghanistan, which affects peace and stability in the region and beyond.  Climate issues are another crucial challenge facing the Central Asian countries and he welcomed efforts to reach solutions to the region’s water challenges.  Many issues, such as land degradation, require the international community’s consistent attention.  Noting the Republic of Korea’s expanding trade volume with the Central Asian region, he said the Government will continue to expand future economic partnerships with the region, including in digital transformation and health infrastructure.

GERARDO PEÑALVER PORTAL (Cuba) stressed that, to make headway towards a world of peace, the diversity of different political, economic, social, cultural and religious systems must be respected as must the principles and aspirations of the Charter of the United Nations alongside international law.  Noting that the planet is now facing a crisis which began with the COVID-19 pandemic, he pointed out that the world has yet to learn from its mistakes — it continues to waste money by modernizing weapons, billions of dollars which could otherwise be used to achieve peace, sustainable development and a decent life. As such, he urged the international community to focus on eradicating poverty, hunger, disease, ignorance and colonialism’s consequences.  It must also, among other things, address the unjust economic order that reproduces the privileges of rich countries while perpetuating the “lackings” of the poorest. There can be no peace without development, justice and equity, he underscored, spotlighting the United States’ embargo on his country.

SEDAT ÖNAL (Türkiye) said the international community is facing entwined, multi-faceted contemporary challenges, such as international peace and security, sustainable development and human rights.  These challenges cannot be dealt with in isolation from each other.  Greater international cooperation is crucial and each Member State must take action.  Regional cooperation and ownership are essential and Türkiye has contributed to regional efforts to resolve conflicts and address disruptions in the food and energy supply chains.  For example, the country participates in the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.  Central Asia is key to the region’s stability and this resolution is an important step that shows the collective political will of countries to bolster a culture of cooperation in managing energy resources, trade and transportation initiatives.

AIDA KASYMALIEVA (Kyrgyzstan) pointed out that consultative meetings among the region’s heads of State serve as an important platform for cooperation by ensuring peace and trust.  The fourth such meeting in July 2022 notably confirmed the commitment of Central Asian countries to a constructive and mutually beneficial dialogue and resulted in a treaty on friendship, good-neighbourliness and cooperation for the region’s development. Highlighting a number of issues of importance, including the “Central Asia plus” format and the Regional Centre, she invited Member States and international organizations to further enhance their support of the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions.  She also announced that her country aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 44 per cent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 through the development of hydropower.  She then spotlighted her Government’s cooperation with Uzbekistan on delimiting their border as an example of dialogue and the search for mutually acceptable solutions.

JAIME HERMIDA CASTILLO (Nicaragua) said the Charter of the United Nations asks all Member States to maintain international peace and security and settle their disputes through peaceful means.  The international community recognizes that the creation of zones of peace can help contribute to peace and stability in the specific areas and beyond.  The creation of a zone of peace in Central Asia will help promote cooperation between peoples, countries and cultures.  It is important to maintain territorial integrity and sovereignty as an important part of this work.  Trade and economic openness is important.  The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) created a zone of peace in 2014.  Its people are committed to engage in friendly relations despite their differences.  His delegation supports multilateralism.  Yet there are still countries that do not apply a culture of peace and impose unilateral coercive measures.  He rejected these measures, which are called sanctions, as unfair.  He called for the repeal of these measures.

ANTJE LEENDERTSE (Germany) — noting that Central Asia faces serious challenges which include climate change, water scarcity, geopolitical tensions and the threat of terrorism — stressed that stronger regional cooperation will further promote prosperity by deepening intraregional trade and expanding the use of renewable energy and the protection of natural resources.  The zone of peace in particular can create positive momentum to deepen ties and foster regional cooperation as a strong foundation for maintaining peace and security, bringing forward sustainable and green development and promoting human rights.  For its part, Germany is supporting the Green Central Asia initiative, which focuses on joint regional projects in the fight against the climate crisis; cooperating with all Central Asian States to strengthen comprehensive security within the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); and funding multiple OSCE projects to foster long-term stability, resilience and prosperity for Central Asia’s young people.

BAKHTIYOR IBRAGIMOV (Uzbekistan) said Central Asian countries have great potential for cooperation and development as they share a common spiritual and cultural-historical heritage, common transport-communication networks and economies that complement one another.  Tashkent strongly believes in strengthening practical cooperation with its neighbours to confront traditional threats of terrorism, organized crime and drug-trafficking, as well as new challenges such as illegal Internet activity.  A long-term peace in Afghanistan can play an important role in connecting Central and South Asia.  His delegation is ready to work with interested Member States to involve Afghanistan in regional economic processes, expand humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people, and promote important social and infrastructure projects.  He recalled Tashkent’s initiative to establish, under United Nations auspices, an international high-level negotiating group.  This group would develop and agree with the de facto government of Afghanistan on a road map of gradual implementation of obligations of the parties.

YOSHINO KOHEI (Japan) noted that 2022 marked the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of his Government’s diplomatic relations with the five Central Asian countries.  Tokyo also established its cooperation mechanism with the region in 2004 — the Central Asia plus Japan dialogue — when no other countries had such a framework of cooperation.  His Government has notably worked with Central Asian countries on tackling a variety of challenges they face, including by providing $4.1 million in grant assistance to empower youth and strengthen social cohesion across the region and by cooperating with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).  Building on these achievements, Japan will continue to support peace, sustainability and sustainable development in the region, he pledged.

ROBERT A. WOOD (United States) said his delegation commends the creation of this zone as it creates a foundation for greater cooperation in the region and reinforces the integrated pillars needed for a peaceful society.  The creation of a zone helps strengthen the security of States within the region.  Yet he was disappointed that some delegations fought to prevent the resolution from reaffirming the importance of human rights and international law in sustaining peace.  The resolution should note that human rights and international law are enshrined in the preamble of the Charter of the United Nations.  His delegation was delighted that the role of women in maintaining peace was included.  Women must always participate in the peaceful settlement of disputes at all levels of decision-making.  His delegation is committed to supporting democratic goals in Central Asia.

JAMES KARIUKI (United Kingdom) stressed that cooperation and mutual support between Central Asian countries and their partners is critical given the security challenges facing the region, be it the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan or the economic uncertainty caused by the Russian Federation’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.  In encouraging Central Asian States to continue their work with the Peacebuilding Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund, he underscored that political stability, long-lasting reform and sustainable economic development are necessary for those nations to fulfil their potential.  For its part, the United Kingdom is supporting long-term reform and stability by strengthening its trade links with those countries and working with the region bilaterally and through its regional programming.  He then pointed out that temperatures in the region are expected to rise faster than the global average; observed that this is already driving water scarcity and food insecurity; and called for sustainable solutions.

DAI BING (China) said his delegation supports the establishment of this zone in Central Asia as the world faces many complex challenges and solidarity and trust must be promoted.  China has always supported cooperation that includes mutual benefits.  The upcoming China-Central Asia Summit, which will be held on 18 and 19 May in China, will gather heads of State and will build a closer community and open a new chapter in regional relations.  China will work with these countries to defend the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and build a zone of peace in Central Asia.  China firmly supports the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of these countries.  China opposes the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of Central Asian countries under any pretext.  This would make the region a battleground for geopolitical gains.  He supported efforts to combat terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime.

JOAQUÍN ALBERTO PÉREZ AYESTARÁN (Venezuela), welcoming Central Asian countries’ efforts to promote conflict prevention mechanisms and consolidate regional peace, security and stability, spotlighted his region’s zone of peace and its contributions towards strengthening peace and trust among the Organization’s Member States.  Unfortunately, many of the goals and aspirations within the Charter of the United Nations continue to escape the world’s peoples who yearn for more peace and prosperity.  In that vein, he called on all responsible States to end the ongoing use of inflammatory rhetoric; the use of zero-sum games; punitive, divisive and confrontational approaches; reckless, provocative and unilateral actions; double standards; and the further imposition of agendas of a dubious nature.  Such actions in no way contribute to the aspirations of achieving a lasting peace or preventing the emergence of new conflicts or crises, he underscored, before renewing his Government’s firm determination to defend the Charter.

VASSILY A. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation) said his delegation is a long-standing and reliable partner of the Central Asian nations.  For many years, it has consistently supported the region in its aim for gradual development and this resolution on the zone of peace is an example.  The Russian Federation is also supporting the region by participating in summits.  For example, the first Russian-Central Asian Summit was held in Astana on 14 November 2022.  The region is of major geopolitical significance for the Russian Federation and good relations are essential to maintain its security and stability.  Anti-terrorist activities are important.  The Russian Federation is a key trading partner for the region and a major consumer of Central Asian goods.  Maintenance of the transportation corridors is important to economic development.  The Russian language is prominent in the region, making the Russian Federation an essential part of the region’s labour markets.  He noted that Western parties are seeking to undermine stability through the use of sanctions and imposing their world view on this region.  His delegation is committed to good neighbourly relations.

YASHAR T. ALIYEV (Azerbaijan) said that the zone of peace, trust and cooperation is a shining example of multilateralism and diplomacy which reinforces the three pillars of the United Nations.  It notably contributes to the strengthening of international peace and security while promoting the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, he added. The region’s countries in particular play an important role in ensuring peace, stability and sustainable development as well as in promoting regional and international cooperation in areas such as science and technology, education, environment, trade, transport, culture and others.  His Government notably enjoys friendly relations and constructive cooperation with these countries and has engaged closely in transport, logistics, energy, agriculture and tourism, to name but a few areas.  As such, Baku attaches high importance to further enhancing cooperation by focusing on greater connectivity and communication.

United Nations Decade on Nutrition

RODRIGO CRUVINEL BARENHO (Brazil), introducing the draft resolution “Implementation of the United Nations Decade on Nutrition (2016-2025)” (document A/77/L.68), said the text upholds the programme of work’s whole-of-society and whole-of-Government spirit, while also demonstrating Member States’ diversity of views, interests and concerns.  It recognizes the added value of indigenous peoples food systems to healthy diets and encourages further technological cooperation to promote resilience and productivity, while urging countries to make food security and nutrition a domestic priority. Moreover, it stresses the importance of an open, fair and inclusive multilateral trading system and building synergies between the Decade and other ongoing processes.  Noting that Brazil’s Government is committed to enhancing nutrition, he said it reestablished the National Council for Food Security to include civil society in the food security and nutrition policies implementation. By launching the “Brazil without Hunger Strategy”, his country aims at establishing a new policymaking paradigm that recognizes hunger as the most extreme culmination of societal inequalities. More so, it is committed to making food security a priority of its presidency at the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) in 2023, at the Group of 20 in 2024, and at BRICS (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, China, South Africa) in 2025. 

Sustainable Transport Day

Ms. ATAEVA (Turkmenistan), introducing the draft resolution “World Sustainable Transport Day” (document A/77/L.67), highlighted the fundamental role of sustainable transport in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by driving development, linking people, connecting local communities to the world, building markets and facilitating trade. As such, World Sustainable Transport Day would be an opportunity to raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable transportation and mobility; promote low-emission modes of transportation, the use of alternative fuels and energy-efficient vehicles and interconnectivity; and showcase progress so as to encourage further action.  Noting that “L.67” requests the President of the Assembly to convene a high-level meeting in New York during the Assembly’s seventy-eighth session, she stressed that such a meeting would promote sustainable transport, enhance international cooperation on the transport agenda, strengthen sustainable mobility partnerships, share best practices and find solutions.  “Let’s work together to make this day a reality and to create a better, more sustainable future for all,” she emphasized.

The Assembly then adopted the resolution by consensus.

Explanation of Vote on Decade on Nutrition

The representative of the United States, speaking in explanation of vote after the vote on “L.68”, voiced regret that the text does not state the importance of eliminating food loss and waste to global efforts to reduce hunger and malnutrition, increase food security, create jobs, spur economic development and mitigate climate change.  Further, the resolution does not alter the current state of conventional or customary international law, nor does it imply that States must implement obligations under human-rights instruments to which they are not a party, he underscored, explaining the situation concerning his country.  He also expressed concern over the undue prominence given to agroecology in the text and dissociated from paragraph 5 regarding technology transfers.

Eradication of Poverty and Other Development Issues

MUHAMMAD ABDUL MUHITH (Bangladesh) introduced the draft resolution titled “Community-based primary health care: a participatory and inclusive approach to universal health coverage” (document A/77/L.69), citing it as a long-overdue recognition of the critical role of community-based primary health care in achieving universal health coverage.  Citing Bangladesh’s pluralistic health system, where both public- and private-sector providers play important roles, he noted the Government has established more than 14,000 community clinics across the country since 2010.  He observed that when people have access to preventive care, early treatment and chronic-disease management, they are more likely to stay healthy and avoid costly health crises.  In addition, community health-care services can create jobs and stimulate local economies, which can help reduce poverty by increasing income and improving overall financial stability.  The resolution calls upon Member States to allocate adequate human and financial resources and build synergies with other development priorities to support the strengthening of community-based primary health care and to explore innovative national approaches.  He stressed that adoption of the resolution would be a watershed moment in global efforts for universal health coverage.

The Assembly then adopted “L.69” by consensus.

Speaking in explanation of vote, the representative of Egypt said that developing States must improve their health systems in line with national priorities.  He wished to disassociate from preambular paragraph 16, which was put forth during the consultations by certain delegations, and was inappropriate in the context of the experiences of national development, and not the development of health systems in general.

The representative of Iran deplored the effect of unilateral coercive measures, which hindered the full achievement of economic and social development, in particular impacting the right to health, well-being and access to medicines in his country.  States must desist from such measures, which undermine developing States’ ability to implement programs.  The provisions of the text will be carried out in line with national laws and cultural specificities, he added.

The representative of Guatemala wished to disassociate from preambular paragraph 16, which contained language that contravened national legislation pertaining to the family institution.  Guatemala reserves the right to interpret the term “reproductive rights” such that it does not include abortion, which is against its national legislation.

The representative of Senegal said the text is an important basis for tackling health inequality and provides the foundation for a multilateral strategy.  However, spotlighting the ambiguity in preambular paragraph 16 regarding sexual rights, he said his country reserves the right to interpret it pursuant to domestic culture and law. 

The representative of the Russian Federation, on preambular paragraph 16, noted that certain agreements are not subject to repeat negotiations, also underlining the negative impact of unilateral measures.  The document adopted will enhance the Russian Federation’s efforts at the national level, he added, noting a federal project to develop primary health care. 

Strengthening Cooperation Efforts on Chernobyl Disaster

The Assembly next took up the resolution titled “Persistent legacy of the Chernobyl disaster” (document A/77/L.66) and adopted it without a vote.

BRIAN CHRISTOPHER MANLEY WALLACE (Jamaica), Vice-President of the Assembly, speaking on behalf of Csaba Kőrösi (Hungary), President of the Assembly, said that the text — initiated in the past by Belarus and in this session by Ukraine — touches upon the important issue of nuclear safety and reminds the world of the environmental and human catastrophe that results when nuclear reactors are unsafe. Managing such disasters and their aftermath requires regional cooperation and dialogue, he underscored, noting his pleasure at seeing such broad support.  He then called on Member States to continue to work together on issues related to nuclear safety and humanitarian affairs.

For information media. Not an official record.