In progress at UNHQ

16th Meeting (AM)

NGO Committee Adopts Report on Its Recent Work, Including Approval of 432 Applications, as It Concludes 2021 Regular Session

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) concluded its 2021 regular session today, adopting a report that contains the results of its recent substantive work, including its decision to recommend 432 groups for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.

Presenting the Committee’s final draft report (document E/C.2/2021/CRP.39/Rev.1) following informal consultations, Michael Baror (Israel), Vice-Chair and Rapporteur, said the body considered 855 applications for consultative status.  Of those, the Committee deferred 386 applications for further consideration at its resumed session in August, he added.  Additionally, it recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant four of five requests for reclassification of consultative status and defer consideration of the remainder.

The Committee took note of seven change-of-name requests, he continued.  It also closed 34 applications without prejudice after the NGOs in question failed to respond to queries over two consecutive sessions.  Of the 696 quadrennial reports submitted by non-governmental organizations, the Committee took note of 604, he said.

He went on to note that the report contains two draft decisions on matters calling for action by the Economic and Social Council.

Committee Chair Mohamed Sallam (Sudan), delivered brief closing remarks, thanking all members for their support and participation during the session.  He expressed hope that the Committee’s work will continue during its resumed session in August and September “in an atmosphere of constructive collaboration”.

The 19-member Committee considers applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification submitted by non-governmental organizations.  Once it has reviewed and approved an application, it is considered recommended for consultative status.

NGOs enjoying general and special status can attend meetings of the Economic and Social Council and issue statements.  Those with general status can also speak during meetings and propose agenda items, whereas organizations with roster status can only attend meetings.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will reconvene for its resumed session, expected to run from 30 August to 3 September, from 7 to 10 September, and on 17 September.

For information media. Not an official record.