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Implementation Well Under Way, But Everyone Must Be Informed, Engaged, Secretary-General Says on First Anniversary of Sustainable Development Goals Adoption

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the event to mark the first anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in New York today:

Today we celebrate the first anniversary of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  It has been a busy year.  Implementation is well under way.  The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been rallying global action.

More than 50 Governments are already putting the SDGs at the heart of their development planning.  G20 [Group of 20] leaders have aligned their work programme with the 2030 Agenda.  And around the world, Governments, agencies and civil society are building partnerships for a sustainable future.

The Paris Agreement is an historic achievement for multilateralism and has further galvanized momentum across all sectors of society.  Tomorrow’s high-level climate event is a further opportunity to accelerate global cooperation on climate and help bring the Agreement into force this year.  It will also highlight how the Paris Agreement complements and reinforces the sustainable development agenda.

Within the United Nations system, the 2030 Agenda has given us renewed impetus to improve coherence and effectiveness.  And the high-level political forum has taken its place as the central platform for global follow-up and review.

To achieve our Goals, we all need to follow up on this transformational commitment to a better future.  We must all act and we must all be accountable.  The SDGs are comprehensive, interconnected and universal.  We are all stakeholders in a collective enterprise to eradicate poverty, build a sustainable world and leave no one behind.  Everybody’s future is at stake.

That is why I want everyone to be informed and engaged.  By the end of next year, we aim to have recruited 1 million agents of transformation who will spread the word to 2 billion people.  To that end, we are working with Governments, civil society and major players in advertising and the media.

We need to build a collaborative platform to achieve the full promise of the Sustainable Development Goals.  We want to make it easy for everyone, everywhere to work together.  Help us reach wide and far to gain the hearts and the minds of people so they understand that these are their Goals.

Fifteen years may seem a long time, but it can pass in the blink of an eye.  We have no time to waste.  Let us commit today — and every day — to work without rest for peace, prosperity, dignity and opportunity for all on a healthy planet.

For information media. Not an official record.