In progress at UNHQ


In Message Welcoming Reinstallation of Gifts from Uruguay, Secretary-General Voices Hope Artwork Will Inspire All to Advance World Peace

Following are the remarks, delivered on behalf of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon by Chef de Cabinet Edmond Mulet, to the special event commemorating the reinstallation of the gifts from Uruguay, in New York today:

I am delighted to join you to celebrate the reinstallation of the sculpture Amaneciendo Verticalmente, by Ricardo Pascale and the painting El Pescador de Chuy by Zoma Baitler.  These are powerful and moving works by two renowned Uruguayan artists.

We are especially honoured by the presence of His Excellency Tabaré Vázquez, President of Uruguay.  I also pay tribute to Ambassador Elbio Rosselli, and the staff of the Uruguayan Mission who made today possible.

Both of these artworks have special meaning for the United Nations.  When we look at El Pescador de Chuy, we see an award-winning masterpiece.  At the same time, we find a scene from everyday life in the Uruguayan fishing town of Chuy.  This is truly a snapshot of “We the Peoples” that the United Nations was created to serve. I hope all visitors and officials will be inspired by its beauty to advance our mission for peace.

The sculpture Amaneciendo Verticalmente is constructed from reclaimed wood originally harvested in the late 1920s.  Mr. Pascale said he chose wood as the main material because it is “a paradigmatic symbol of life in its different manifestations”.  He explained that the wood reaffirms the past and generates knowledge for the future.

The Secretary-General deeply appreciates these meaningful gifts and we are delighted to “welcome them home” to their proud place at the United Nations.  The United Nations and Uruguay are collaborating across the international agenda.  From “Delivering as One” to contributing peacekeepers to advocating for disarmament, Uruguay is a champion of United Nations causes.  Like these beautiful artworks, I am sure our partnership will continue to shine.  Thank you.

For information media. Not an official record.