In progress at UNHQ


Peace Begins with ‘Respect for Differences, Access to Opportunities’, Secretary-General Says at Concert Event

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the “Concert for Peace” event, in New York today:

Bienvenidos.  Es un gran placer para nosotros recibir a la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela Simón Bolívar.

I thank the Venezuelan Mission, Maestro Gustavo Dudamel and all the performers for making this event possible.  And, I thank Your Excellency Ms. Delcy Rodríguez for your stewardship of today’s Security Council debate, and Venezuela for your presidency of the Security Council this month.

Venezuela is a founding member of the United Nations.  Together, we have a long and fruitful partnership.

Through the years, the Government and people of Venezuela have shown generosity and solidarity on the global stage.  They provided aid to Haiti, especially after the 2010 earthquake; they helped fight Ebola; they are accompanying the peace process in Colombia; and they have traditionally welcomed refugees from all over the world.

The United Nations General Assembly Hall is the most fitting venue for a concert for peace.  Peace is the first objective of our work at the United Nations.  Peace is something that preoccupies me every minute of every day.

And, as we work to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we must be conscious that peace begins with respect for differences, access to opportunities and inclusive economic growth.  Peace begins with human rights, accountable institutions and access to justice.

The United Nations itself is something like an orchestra.  We all work on a small piece of the symphony.  But it is only together that we can achieve the best results for the people we serve.

I thank you for inspiring us tonight with some beautiful music.  Let us all commit to doing our best, whatever our work may be, for the cause of peace.

For information media. Not an official record.