In progress at UNHQ

18th & 19th Meetings (AM & PM)

Non-Governmental Organization Committee Recommends 40 Groups for Consultative Status with Economic and Social Council, Defers Action on 62 Others

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today recommended 40 organizations for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, and deferred action on the status of 62 others, as it continued its resumed session for 2015.

The 19-member Committee vets applications submitted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), recommending general, special or roster status on the basis of such criteria as the applicant’s mandate, governance and financial regime.  Organizations enjoying general and special status can attend meetings of the Council and issue statements, while those with general status can also speak during meetings and propose agenda items

Sixty-two applications were deferred, with Committee members requesting further information from the candidates about, among other items, details of their respective organizations’ projects, partners, expenditures, sources of funding and relationship with United Nations system actors.

The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations will meet again at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 28 May, to continue its session.

Special Consultative Status

The Committee recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant special consultative status to the following 40 organizations:

Darüşşafaka Cemiyeti (Turkey);

Diplomatic Council e.V. (Germany);

East and Central African Association for Indigenous Rights Inc. (Canada);

Engage Now Africa Inc (United States);

EuroChild (Belgium);

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (Canada);

FEMM Foundation (United States);

Fielding Graduate University (United States);

Forum Réfugiés-Cosi (France);

Gadejuristen (Denmark);

Global Bioethics Initiative, Inc. (United States);

Global Partnership for Local Action (Austria);

Help Me See, Inc. (United States);

Human In Love Corporation (Republic of Korea);

International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation, Inc. (United States);

International Veterinary Students Association (Ivsa) (Denmark);

International Women & Family Foundation (Republic of Korea);

Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples' International (Japan);

Japan Overseas Cooperative Association (Japan);

L'Arche international (France);

Manhattan Multicultural Counseling (United States);

National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence (Canada);

Noahs Arc Foundation (United States);

Non-for-profit organization "International Association of Technical Survey and Classification Institutions" (Russian Federation);

Oil Change International (United States);

Organizzazione Mondiale Degli Agricoltori (Italy);

Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Dir (United States);

Sahyog International Foundation (United States);

Stichting African Sky (Netherlands);

Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Ministry Inc (United States);

The United Kingdom Grand Priory of the International Knightly Order Valiant of St. George (United Kingdom);

Toplumsal Haklar ve Araştirmalar Derneği (TOHAD) (Turkey);

UN Women for Peace Association Inc. (United States);

United States Sustainable Development Corporation (United States);

Wash United gGmbh (Germany);

Wiener Drogen Komitee (Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs) (Austria);

Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l'Environnement (Morocco);

Fondation Institut de recherche pour le développement durable et les relations internationals (France);

Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II - Onlus per il dialogo, cooperazione e sviluppo (CC) (Italy).

The Committee deferred the applications of the following 62 organizations: Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Nicaragua sought more information about the nature of the organization, especially its international activities;

Days for Girls International (United States) — as the representative of China said that Tibet is listed as a country on the entity’s website, seeking a correction;

Digital Opportunity Trust (Canada) — as the representative of Cuba asked the organization what Latin American countries it operates and to provide a plan of expansion, if any;

Ecole de la Paix (France) — as China’s representative asked about the entity’s relationship with the Government as 40 per cent of income comes from the Government;

Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of China asked, in light of its large income, if the entity is a for-profit organization;

EMERGENCY - Life Support for Civilian War Victims (Italy) — as China’s representative requested more information about its activities in some African countries, including Central African Republic and Sudan.  The representative of Sudan expressed support for the organization as it served in his nation, as well as other countries; 

Ensemble contre la Peine de Mort (France) — as China’s representative sought an explanation about the huge gap between income and expenditure, especially about expenditure on projects;

Eurasia Foundation (United States) — as the representative of the Russian Federation asked how the organization has, over 20 years, participated in the preparation of so-called “revolutions” in the Commonwealth of Independent States.  China’s representative sought details on its activities in China; 

Fairfood International (Netherlands) — as the representative of Venezuela asked how the organization would address the deficit.  The representative of South Africa asked for the address of its office in Johannesburg;

Fondation des jeunes pour un développement durable (Canada) — as the representative of Sudan sought clarification about income from contracts and asked the entity to verify it is not-for-profit;

Fondation pour l'éradication du travail des enfants dans la culture du tabac (Switzerland) — as Sudan’s representative sought more information about its activities to prevent children from tobacco use and about its activities in Africa; 

Forum Europeen pour les Roms et les Gens du Voyage (FERV) (France) — as the representative of Sudan asked if the organization has responded to earlier questions.  The representative of Nicaragua asked whether the entity is working with other organizations with consultative status;

Fundación Novia Salcedo (Spain) — as the representative of Cuba asked where the organization’s international activities are being conducted.  Details on a youth internship programme, including breakdown by country were also requested;

Gain International (United States) — as the representative of Iran requested that the organization change a reference, “Arabian Gulf”, to “Persian Gulf”; 

Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Venezuela sought details about its activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region;

Global Partnership for Afghanistan (United States) — as the representative of Burundi sought clarification on the entity’s relationship with the Government, which provides 70 per cent of its finances;

Health Squared Limited (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Sudan sought more information about its activities in Africa, particularly in his country.  He also asked if the entity is run by volunteers as it has no administrative costs;

Institut de la démocratie et de la cooperation (France) — as China’s representative asked the entity to explain its relationship with another non-governmental organization from which it receives funding;

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Loreto Generalate (Italy) — as the representative of South Africa said that the entity’s expenditure exceeded income and sought clarification about the eligibility of its Roman Catholic schools registered as non-governmental organizations in his country.

Intersections International Initiative, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Nicaragua sought more information about the entity’s international activities and the locations of its overseas operations;

Kaurareg Aboriginal Land Trust (Australia) — as the representative of South Africa asked the organization to explain how its entire budget is spent on administration without any project and how it aims to contribute to the work of the Economic and Social Council;

Le Collectif de la Paix au Sri Lanka (France) — as the representative of India asked the entity to elaborate on its associations in various parts of the world, including Asia;

Luxembourg Income Study (Luxembourg) — as the representative of China asked to clarify the entity’s relationship with the Government, which provides 80 per cent of its funding.

México Unido contra la Delincuencia, A.C. (Mexico) — as the representative of Cuba asked if the organization intends to expand in the medium and long term in Latin America.

Mouvement de la Paix (France) — as the representative of China requested the organization to provide its position on Tibet and make a relevant correction on its website.

New Jersey Minority Educational Development NJ-MED (United States) — the representative of Cuba requested the entity to elaborate on how it plans to contribute to the work of the Economic and Social Council and to the post-2015 development framework.  The representative of South Africa sought more information about it contributed to the achievement of universal education in the Millennium Development Goals;

Oromia Support Group in Australia Inc. (Australia) — the representative of Sudan sought more information about its activities in Ethiopia, Sudan and other East African countries, and requested details about its registration in his country and its income;

Plan International (UK) (United Kingdom) — as the representative of China sought more relevant information about its programmes in China;

Stiftelsen Stockholm International Water Institute (Sweden) — as the representative of Nicaragua asked the organization to elaborate on its projects in Central America;

Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Germany) — as the representative of Cuba requested that the entity explain how it ensures independence from the Government, from which it receives substantial funding;

STUF United Fund Inc. (United States) — as the representative of China sought more information about its activities in North America and the composition of its membership there;

Sukyo Mahikari (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked if some of the organization’s centres in 75 countries are in Latin America;

The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty (United States) — as the representative of China requested a correction to a reference to Taiwan on the entity’s website;

The Aspen Institute, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked the organization to give more details about its activities in other countries;

The Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation (United Kingdom) — as the representative of China asked how the entity deals with its huge deficit;

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (UK) (United Kingdom) — as the representative of China requested more details about its activities in his country; 

The Death Penalty Project Limited (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Cuba requested clarification about the entity’s expenditures, as none are shown;

The New Zealand Drug Foundation (New Zealand) — as the representative of China asked the organization to explain discrepancies in two parts of the application;

Uçan Süpürge Kadın iletişim ve Araştırma Derneği (Turkey) — as the representative of Greece requested more details on the entity’s expenditure;

Universal Cultural Society Inc. (United States) — as the representative of Venezuela sought details about the contracts from which the entity derives income;

US-Africa Synergy Inc (United States) — as the representative of Sudan sought more information about the type of activities the organization carries out and in which African countries it operates;

We Care for Humanity (United States) — as the representative of South Africa requested more information about an event it created with the Economic and Social Council;

Women for Water Partnership (Netherlands) — as the representative of Sudan asked the entity to explain the governmental assistance it receives, as well as support it receives from other organizations;

Work In Progress (France) — as the representative of South Africa sought clarification about the resources it “extracts”, and the representative of Sudan requested more information about its activities and funding from the Government;

Conselho Indigenista Missionário CIMI (Brazil) — as the representative of China sought details about its relationship with the Government, from which it receives funding;

Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity (Albania) — as the representative of Greece asked for more details about the entity’s relationships with the Government and Parliament;

Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Vanadzor Office (Armenia) — as the representative of Turkey asked for an explanation of the entity’s regional and international scope of activities;

Nouveaux droits de l'homme (NDH) (Cameroon) — as the representative of China requested more information about the entity’s funds received from foreign organizations;

VOICE (Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment) (Philippines) — as the representative of South Africa sought clarification about the entity’s registration, and the representatives of India and Iran asked about the geographical scope of its activities.  The representative of Cuba requested details about its relationship with international organizations.  The representative of the Russian Federation asked the entity to give more information about refugees it has resettled and the outcome of its activities in Viet Nam.  The representative of Sudan requested an explanation about expenditure on travel and asked if it has a strategic plan for years to come.  The representative of Viet Nam objected the entity’s application, as it had close affiliations with extremist Vietnamese living abroad;

Agence pour les droits de l'homme (Switzerland) — as the representative of Israel asked the organization to clarify if it is national or international;

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (Bulgaria) — as the representative of India requested clarification about its membership;

Promotion pour le Développement (PROMODEV) (Haiti) — as the representative of China asked how the entity deals with a deficit;

Child Soldiers International (United Kingdom) — as the representative of South Africa asked the organization to clarify if it operates nationally, regionally or internationally, a question also asked by the representative of China.  The representative of Sudan sought an explanation about its relationship with the United Nations, future plans and details about its finances.  The representative of India requested clarification about its activities as a “company”;

ELIGE Red de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, A.C. (Mexico) — as the representative of Nicaragua sought clarification about the entity’s expenditure;

Engineers Without Borders – International (United States) — as the representative of China requested relevant information about the entity’s activities that contributes to the Millennium Development Goals; 

Fountain House, Inc. (United States) — as the representative of China requested the entity to clarify its funding from the Government, and the representative of South Africa sought clarification about its geographical scope of its activities;

Global Migration Policy Associates (GMPA) (Switzerland) — as the representative of Uruguay asked the organization to explain the budget, 75 per cent of which goes to administrative costs;

Institute for Multi-track Diplomacy (United States) — as the representative of Cuba asked about a project and breakdown by country;

Interregional Non-governmental Organization "Committee against Torture" (Russian Federation) — as the representative of the Russian Federation asked the organization if it aims to defend the human rights of Russian-speaking people, including those held in prison abroad; Islamic Help (United Kingdom) — as the representative of Israel asked the entity to elaborate on its research and advocacy activities;

Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions (MIN-IREN) (Japan) — as the representative of China asked the organization to provide information about its activities since 1970;

Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation (United States) — as the representative of Venezuela asked the organization to elaborate on its activities within the United Nations structure without having any consultative status.  The representative of South Africa asked it to clarify its activities concerning self-determination of Viet Nam.  The representative of the Russian Federation recalled the entity’s application had been rejected in 2012.  The representative of Viet Nam objected to the application as the entity carried out politically motivated activities to divide the country.  The representative of the United States said the entity received recommendation for consultative status by the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, but the decision was overturned by the Economic and Social Council by a vote.  The representative of the Russian Federation said that if the Committee had sufficient information about the organization it would have been recommended.  The representative of South Africa said that the matter should be handled in the Economic and Social Council.  The representative of Iran said the issue of self-determination was a matter handled by the Fourth Committee.  The representative of Uruguay pointed out that the organization used the United Nations logo and was sponsoring a United Nations conference in San Francisco, asking the Secretariat if an organization without consultative status could do that.  The Secretariat forwarded the question to the Office of Legal Affairs.  The representatives of Israel, Greece, India, South Africa and the United States engaged in debates whether the organization could re-apply and whether the entity’s activities had since changed.

Interactive Dialogue

The representative of Concepts of Truth Inc. (United States) explained the link about truth and sexual and mental health, noting that the entity provides services to people of any religious backgrounds.  She said it contributes to the work of the Economic and Social Council by bringing in expertise in multiple languages.  It receives low-amount grants from local governments.  The representatives of South Africa, Iran and Sudan still had questions about its deficit and its activities based on Christianity.

The Committee deferred its application.

The representative of EMERGENCY — Life Support for Civilian War Victims (Italy) explained how it conducts its activities in the Central African Republic and Sudan.  The representatives of China and Sudan expressed support since the organization provided satisfactory responses to their concerns.

The Committee recommended granting special consultative status to the organization.

For information media. Not an official record.