In progress at UNHQ


In Message to One World Congress, Secretary-General Praises Commitment by Germany for Working towards ‘Clean, Low-Carbon Economy’

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the One World Congress, in Berlin today:

I am pleased to convey greetings to all the participants in this high-level conference.

Germany’s contributions to sustainable development and multilateralism are well known, from your initiatives on biodiversity and resource efficiency, to your commitment to regional and international cooperation.  Germany’s example shows that working towards a clean, low-carbon economy is entirely compatible with growth and prosperity.

The inclusive process of drawing up this Charter, involving civil society, academia, churches and religious institutions and the private sector, is the kind of people-centred dialogue that is needed if we are to move towards a cleaner, greener future for all.  The United Nations is engaged in a similar consultation exercise on a regional and global scale, as we build a development framework for the post-2015 world.

Next year, we will have a historic opportunity to agree on a development agenda that improves people’s lives and puts the world on the path to sustainable development.  We are formulating transformative goals that integrate social progress, economic advances, sustainable development and good governance as fundamental to our future.  We are also striving to reach an ambitious agreement on climate change.  This is the defining moment to act on the defining issue of our age.  Germany’s political leadership and its experience in development cooperation put you in a strong position to contribute to both these processes.

I hope the Charter for the Future of One World will play a significant part in our collective efforts to help every woman, child and man to pursue a life of dignity and freedom.  The United Nations looks forward to Germany’s continued engagement in building a better world for all.  Please accept my best wishes for the success of your important work.

For information media. Not an official record.