Economic and Social Council Adopts Draft Resolutions on Istanbul Programme of Action, Habitat III Conference

25 July 2014
Economic and Social Council ECOSOC/6649
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Economic and Social Council

2014 Substantive Session

47th Meeting (AM)


Economic and Social Council Adopts Draft Resolutions on Istanbul


Programme of Action, HABITAT III Conference



Results of Committee on Elimination of Discrimination

Against Women, Secretary-General’s Global Development Report Also Addressed


The Economic and Social Council today adopted two draft resolutions, one relating to the Istanbul Programme of Action for least developed countries and another relating to the United Nations Habitat III Conference planned for 2016.


The Council first adopted by consensus a draft resolution (document E/2014/L.28) that underlines the need for mutual accountability of least developed countries and their development partners in delivering commitments undertaken under the Programme, and expresses concern that despite some progress in social and human development, many Millennium Development Goals remain unfulfilled.


It calls on least developed countries, their development partners and the United Nations system to intensify efforts to implement the Programme of Action.  Further, it urges a broadening of existing country review mechanisms, including those for the achievement of the Millennium Goals and the existing consultative mechanisms to cover the review of the Programme.


Speaking after adoption, the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries, said he welcomed the substantive, action-oriented resolution and called for hard work to ensure the Programme of Action bore fruit.


The Council then adopted a resolution on “Human settlements” (document E/2014/L.29) without a vote.  That draft encourages Governments to give appropriate consideration to the role of urbanization and human settlements in sustainable development in their national development plans and emphasizes the importance of ensuring consistency and coherence in the deliberations of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council on agenda items related to the work of United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).


Speaking before adoption, the representative of Kenya, who had facilitated negotiations, underlined that with half the world’s population now living in cities, it was critical to address the emerging challenges of sustainable urbanization.  Accordingly, it was vital the resolution be adopted ahead of discussions to arrange the “Habitat III” Conference.


The Council also took note of reports of the Secretary-General on:  options for the scope and methodology for a global sustainable development report (document E/2014/87); trends and progress in international development cooperation

(document E/2014/77); addressing ongoing and emerging challenges for meeting the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 and for sustaining development gains in the future (document E/2014/61); and effective governance, policymaking and planning for sustainable urbanization (document E/2014/67).


The Council then took note of the results of the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (document E/2014/3).


The representative of Turkey spoke on the resolution on the Istanbul Programme of Action.


Oh Joon, Council Vice President, said the organ would hold coordination and management meetings on 17 and 18 November to consider outstanding issues and to act on remaining proposals relating to public administration and development.


The Council will meet again at a time and date to be announced.


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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.