
Resolve Must Be Strengthened to ‘Shut Door on Impunity’, Ensure That in New Era, Perpetrators Truly Answer for Their Crimes, Says Secretary-General

6 December 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Resolve Must Be Strengthened to ‘Shut Door on Impunity’, Ensure That in New Era,


Perpetrators Truly Answer for Their Crimes, Says Secretary-General


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the Ninth Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, in New York today, 6 December:

I am pleased to welcome you to the Ninth Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.  At your last meeting, in Kampala, you made history.  You fulfilled the promise of Rome and completed the International Criminal Court Statute by agreeing on the definition of the crime of aggression, and you agreed on the conditions under which the Court is to exercise its jurisdiction with respect to that crime.  These are landmark achievements.  Now, it is time to build on these accomplishments.  I encourage all States parties to ratify the Kampala amendments to the Rome Statute.

The international community has overwhelmingly embraced the idea that we have entered an age of accountability, and that there can be absolutely no immunity for international crimes.  But make no mistake: to prevail in the fight against impunity, we must stay on the offence.  At a time when international justice is under attack in many places, we must strengthen our resolve to shut the door on the era of impunity and ensure that in this new era, perpetrators truly answer for their crimes.  I wish to emphasize, in this respect, the crucial importance of States complying with their responsibilities to enforce all outstanding arrest warrants.

The International Criminal Court faces challenges in consolidating itself as an indispensable part of the community of international organizations.  The Court does not yet enjoy universal support.  There are misunderstandings about when, where and how it should act.  The battle for trust in the International Criminal Court must be won in the courtroom.  That is the place to prove to the world that the Court can deliver on its noble mandate — independently, impartially and without regard to political considerations.

Warrants of arrest and summonses have been issued, suspects have been arrested and brought to the Court, some have even arrived on their own.  Proceedings are under way.  But the trials need to be completed expeditiously, in a manner that instils confidence in the Court and in its ability to achieve justice clearly and transparently for all the world to see.

The International Criminal Court is the centrepiece of our system of international criminal justice.  If we are serious about combating impunity and promoting accountability, we must support its work.  Our generation has the opportunity to decisively advance the cause of justice and prevent horrendous suffering.  If we fail to heed Kampala’s call, we fail humanity.  With that in mind, excellencies, extinguished delegates, I wish you success in your important deliberations.  Thank you very much.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.