In progress at UNHQ



9 February 2007
Economic and Social CouncilECOSOC/6257
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Economic and Social Council

2007 Organizational Session

4th Meeting (PM)



The Economic and Social Council today decided on the working arrangements of its 2007 substantive session scheduled for 2 to 27 July, but failed to take action on the themes of that session and the Council’s annual ministerial review.

The Council -- continuing its 2007 organizational session -- adopted a draft decision to hold a high-level segment from 2 to 5 July, followed by a dialogue with Executive Secretaries of the regional commissions on 6 July, a coordination segment for 6 to 10 July, an operational activities segment from 10 to 13 July, a humanitarian affairs segment from 16 to 18 July, a general segment from 19 to 26 July and a concluding session on 27 July.

However, it postponed taking action on the theme for the 2007 thematic discussion and the 2007 annual ministerial review.  Carlos Ruiz Aguirre ( Mexico), facilitator of the informal “informal” consultations held earlier in the week on that matter, said it was “disturbing” that delegates had not reached agreement.  He warned that the deadlock had jeopardized efforts to strengthen the Council.

Council President Dalius Čekuolis ( Lithuania) expressed hope that it would result in a decision next Thursday morning, when the Council was expected to resume its formal organizational session.

The Council then adopted a draft decision to devote the operational activities segment of the 2007 substantive session to the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system and the implementation of General Assembly resolution 59/250 and Council resolution 2006/14.

It postponed taking action on a draft decision on the theme for the humanitarian affairs segment of the 2007 substantive session.  Action was also postponed on a draft decision on the theme for the item on regional cooperation of the 2007 substantive session in order to give the Executive Secretaries of the Regional Commissions sufficient time to identify an appropriate theme.

The Council agreed to further defer until its 2007 substantive session consideration of the draft annex on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies with respect to the World Tourism Organization, in order to give interested delegations more time to consult with the world tourism body and the Office of Legal Affairs.  Mr. Čekuolis encouraged Council members to seek clarification on any pending questions prior to the upcoming substantive session.

The Council also deferred consideration of the application of the International Emergency Management Organization for observer status until the Secretariat received more information from that organization.

Further, it postponed consideration of the graduation of Samoa from the list of least developed countries.  Mr. Čekuolis noted that informal “informal” consultations on the matter would be held on Monday, 12 February.

The Council also deferred further consideration of the report of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development at its ninth session, as contained in document E/2006/31.  Mr. Čekuolis called on the Council to act soon on that question, noting that the Commission was scheduled to meet in May.

The Council also postponed consideration of a proposal to include at a future substantive session of the Council a discussion on promoting an integrated approach to rural development in developing countries for poverty eradication and sustainable development.

The Council’s attention was drawn to General Assembly resolution 61/16 on strengthening of the Economic and Social Council, adopted pursuant to paragraphs 155 and 156 of the 2005 World Summit Outcome (General Assembly resolution 60/1), and Council decision 2006/206.  The President of the Council announced that he shall convene consultations on the organization of work, agenda and current methods of work of the Council with a view to their implementation beginning in 2007.

In other business, the Council elected nine new members to the Commission on Science and Technology for Development.  In accordance with resolution 2006/46, which authorized enlarging the Commission by 10 members, and decision 2006/267, the Council elected, by acclamation, three African States (Burkina Faso, Equatorial Guinea, Sudan); two Asian States (Philippines, Sri Lanka); two Latin American and Caribbean States (Argentina, Chile); and two Western European and Other States (Finland, United States).  The election of one member from the Eastern European States was postponed to a later date.

In accordance with resolution 2006/267, the Council drew lots to determine the expiration dates for the 10 new seats, during which it was decided that Burkina Faso, Sudan, Philippines, Argentina and United States and the yet undetermined member from the Eastern European States would serve for a term beginning on the date of the election through 31 December 2010.  Equatorial Guinea, Sri Lanka, Chile and Finland would serve for a term beginning on the date of election through 31 December 2008.

The Council also elected by acclamation Sweden to the Programme Coordination Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS for the term effective immediately through 31 December 2009, and postponed the election of one member from the Western European and Other States for the same period.

Further, the Council elected by acclamation Chile and Venezuela to the Governing Council of United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) for the term effective immediately through 31 December 2010.  The President noted that a vacancy remained for a member of the Asian States for the term beginning the date of the election through 31 December 2008.

The Council will meet again on Thursday morning, 15 February.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.