In progress at UNHQ



30 November 1995

Press Release


19951130 The General Committee this morning recommended that, because of the political importance of the issue, the General Assembly include in its current agenda an item on the normalization of the situation concerning South Africa's unpaid assessments for United Nations regular and peace-keeping budgets. The Committee also recommended that, due to the financial complexity of the matter, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) be invited to provide the plenary with technical observations on a proposed draft resolution by 12 December.

Inclusion of the item was first requested in a letter from South Africa dated 15 September 1995 (document A/50/231 and Add.1). An explanatory memorandum annexed to South Africa's letter noted that on 3 October 1994, South Africa paid $11 million to the United Nations Secretariat, its entire assessed contribution to both the regular and peace-keeping budgets from 23 June 1994, the date on which South Africa resumed its seat in the General Assembly. However, a substantial amount remained attributed to South Africa as so-called arrears that were accumulated during the apartheid era, during which time the representatives of the apartheid regime were excluded from participation in the General Assembly.

"The democratically elected Government, which took office over a year ago, remains confronted with an untenable situation: owing to the assistance of the United Nations the scourge of apartheid has been eradicated and the people of South Africa liberated", the letter states. "Yet, South Africa continues to be held liable for the arrears accumulated during the apartheid era." The letter concludes that South Africa's Government was confident that the Assembly would resolve the matter.

Under the terms of a draft resolution attached as an appendix to the request by South Africa, the Assembly would decide that, owing to unique and exceptional circumstances, South Africa's unpaid assessments accruing up to 23 June 1994 for the regular and the peace-keeping budgets of the United Nations would be considered no longer due and payable.

General Committee - 2 - Press Release GA/9018 6th Meeting (AM) 30 November 1995

The Committee on 20 September deferred consideration of the item pending the outcome of negotiations. The representative of South Africa said this morning that since the previous consideration, he had consulted with delegations and a compromise agreement had been reached, by which the item would remain before the plenary session while it was under consideration by the Fifth Committee. Once it was referred back to the Assembly by the Fifth Committee with its recommendations, action could be taken by the plenary.

The representative of Belgium, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said the solution South Africa had ultimately proposed was a good and sound compromise. Members of the European Union lent their full support to it.

Support for the proposed compromise was also expressed by the representatives of Algeria, United Kingdom, Kenya, China, Mongolia, Yemen, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Congo, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France and Kuwait. The representative of Swaziland reserved judgement on the matter.

The report of the General Committee on this item will be considered in the General Assembly on Friday, 1 December, in the afternoon.

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For information media. Not an official record.