Sixth Committee


Implementation of the rule of law principle on the international level — particularly in the area of conflict resolution — was being undermined by States failing to adhere to their international obligations, along with the selective enforcement and exploitation of existing frameworks and mechanisms, delegations stressed as the Sixth Committee (Legal) concluded its consideration on the topic today.


Holding United Nations officials and experts on mission accountable for crimes required Member States to increase their exercise of national extraterritorial jurisdiction in order to ensure the integrity of the Organization, the Sixth Committee (Legal) heard today as it took up that topic, alongside the matter of the principle of rule of law.


With international terrorist groups increasingly turning to online platforms to spread messages of hate, influence potential recruits and coordinate attacks, delegations today underscored that a holistic, global response was crucial in combatting the threat, as the Sixth Committee (Legal) took up the Secretary‑General’s report on measures to eliminate international terrorism (document A/74/151).


As the Sixth Committee (Legal) wrapped up its seventy‑third session today by taking action on 13 draft resolutions, including a historic text, and one draft decision, several delegations, while highlighting the Committee’s tradition of approving resolutions without a vote, at the same time, disassociated themselves from several paragraphs in those draft texts that they deemed contentious.


After approving four draft resolutions concerning the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) today, the Sixth Committee (Legal) critiqued its own working methods, with delegates emphasizing the need to make better use of time and calling for an improved relationship with the International Law Commission.