In progress at UNHQ

Press Conference

The Security Council’s programme for September features a ministerial-level open debate on peacekeeping transitions and a briefing on the maintenance of international peace and security by The Elders, a non-governmental organization of distinguished public figures that promotes human rights and peace, its President for the month told a Headquarters press conference today.

Humanitarian issues and the Middle East are priority topics on the Security Council’s programme of work for July, with the 15-member organ intent on conducting all its meetings in person for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, its President for the month told a Headquarters press conference today.

The Security Council will hold two open debates and more than 20 meetings, in virtual format in May, despite members’ preference for in-person gatherings amid the easing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in New York, its President for the month said today at a Headquarters press conference announcing its programme of work.