In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage

The Security Council today expressed its deep concern over the resurgence of unconstitutional changes of Government in a few African countries, at the possible violence that might accompany such events, as well as at the negative impact on the economic and social welfare of the people and the development of affected countries.
Resuming its comprehensive review of peacekeeping operations in all its aspects, the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization Committee) approved this morning a draft resolution by which the General Assembly would endorse the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations contained in a report adopted during that body’s last session, from 23 February to 20 March.
With countries around the world reeling from economic turmoil, food insecurity, and the threat of climate change, the Netherlands’ Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality today told delegations “this is the time to act” to make sustainable agriculture and rural development central to achieving lasting development and poverty reduction, as the Commission on Sustainable Development opened its seventeenth session.
Although the Disarmament Commission had not been able to agree on elements of a draft declaration of the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade -- the Commission’s main task this year -- a good basis for next year’s deliberations had been achieved, Commission Chairman Andrzej Towpik (Poland) told delegates today at the closing of its 2009 substantive session.

Meeting for the first time since 2004, the Trusteeship Council this afternoon elected by acclamation Karen Pierce ( United Kingdom) as its President and Jean-Pierre Lacroix ( France) as its Vice-President.


The Trusteeship Council this morning elected Yves Doutriaux (France) as its President and Stewart Eldon (United Kingdom) as Vice-President.