
The Secretary-General is following with increasing concern the situation in Guinea, where demonstrations have been called against a Government proposal to review the Constitution.  The United Nations continues to monitor the situation and remains in contact with key stakeholders with a view towards de-escalating tensions.

UNICEF chartered a plane carrying 1.6 million doses of oral cholera vaccines to Sudan, delivering the medicine at a critical time as cholera cases continue to be reported.  The agency and its partners are also strengthening water treatment systems, distributing water purification products and providing technical support.

The International Atomic Energy Agency and its partners kicked off a five-day conference today on climate change and the role of nuclear power.  Topics include challenges and opportunities for existing nuclear power plants and the prospect for synergies between nuclear power and other low-carbon energy sources.

The World Food Programme (WFP) announced today the launch of Stop the Waste, a global campaign to raise awareness about the 4 billion tons of edible food that is discarded daily, costing the global economy nearly $1 trillion annually.  Top restaurateurs and celebrity chefs can join the movement through #StopTheWaste.

Following days of protests in Haiti, the United Nations peacekeeping mission — concerned by reports of violence and arson — says it is in discussions with local stakeholders and international partners to find a peaceful way out of the crisis.  It praised the Haitian National Police, which has done its utmost to provide security.

Today is the Day of the Seafarer.  This year’s theme, “I Am on Board with Gender Equality”, focuses on the importance and value of women within the professional ranks of the maritime world.  The theme is also in line with this year’s theme for World Maritime Day:  “Empowering Women in the Maritime Community”.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said the detention of 55,000 suspected Da’esh fighters and their families in Syria and Iraq, held in substandard conditions, is among issues before the Human Rights Council’s forty-first session, adding that fair trials protect societies from future radicalization.