Commemorations of the tragic transatlantic slave trade must galvanize efforts to stamp out modern manifestations of slavery, child labour and human trafficking, the General Assembly heard today as speakers called for greater awareness‑raising and education programmes to combat racial discrimination.
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To meet emerging challenges of today’s increasingly complex international security and peace architecture, the United Nations Security Council must adapt, reform and expand its membership to include underrepresented regions, particularly Africa, the General Assembly heard today.
A streamlined General Assembly will protect multilateralism and increase the capacity of the United Nations to address emerging challenges, delegates said today during a joint debate on implementing resolutions and revitalizing the organ’s work.
Member States pledged their strong support for the indispensable role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in promoting the peaceful use of atomic energy, transferring technology to developing countries and ensuring nuclear safety, as the General Assembly considered its annual report.
The Economic and Social Council is strengthening its leadership role in identifying new frontiers in sustainable development as part of its quest for resilient societies, the General Assembly heard today as it took note of the Council’s report.
While many Member States commended the work of the Human Rights Council as crucial in the promotion and protection of universal human rights, others expressed concern over its subjectivity, double standards and politicization, as the General Assembly took up the intergovernmental body’s report today.
As the General Assembly today adopted its annual resolution to end the United States‑led embargo against Cuba, speakers urged Washington, D.C., to heed the quarter‑century‑long call for an end to its restrictive policies.
Speakers overwhelmingly called on the United States to end its economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba as the General Assembly began its annual debate on the issue amid demands for the cessation of unilateral coercive measures.
While it is extremely easy to violate human rights anywhere, justice systems in too many places remain unable to adequately deal with these crimes, the President of the International Criminal Court told the General Assembly today, calling for the requisite support for the institution to deliver on its mandate of prosecuting the world’s worst atrocities.
The General Assembly today adopted a resolution encouraging stronger international cooperation in peacefully using outer space to address long-term sustainable development concerns, taking into account the particular needs of developing countries.