In progress at UNHQ



The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of its First Committee (Disarmament and International Security), adopted 57 draft resolutions and three decisions today, including many aimed at reinvigorating multilateral efforts to curb the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional weapons in all corners of the world.


While the General Assembly today adopted, without a vote, a draft resolution on global health and foreign policy that aims at strengthening health‑care systems, some delegations rejected language referring to reproductive rights, contending that abortion should not be recognized as a right, and called for a vote on two paragraphs.


The Security Council risks losing legitimacy unless it reforms and expands its membership to include developing States, particularly from Africa, delegates told the General Assembly today, with many stressing that intergovernmental negotiations, held over nearly 20 years, must now bear fruit if the United Nations “most important” body is to emerge strong and effective from a bygone era.