In progress at UNHQ


UNICEF chartered a plane carrying 1.6 million doses of oral cholera vaccines to Sudan, delivering the medicine at a critical time as cholera cases continue to be reported.  The agency and its partners are also strengthening water treatment systems, distributing water purification products and providing technical support.

Civilian returns to Iraq’s newly accessible areas continue to increase since the conclusion of major counter‑Daesh military operations late last year; 3.2 million previously displaced people have now returned home, surpassing the total number of displaced in the country for the first time since the crisis began four years ago.

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya is following with concern the reported formation of parallel military forces under the name “National Guard” and their deployment in Tripoli and surrounding areas.  Special Representative Martin Kobler called for a united army under civilian control with a clear chain of command.

The United Nations Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) condemned today the coordinated suicide bombing attack at a hotel in Mogadishu.  The attack reportedly killed dozens of Somali civilians and soldiers, while wounding many more.  The Mission reports that Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Secretary-General told President of the Gambia Adama Barrow of his full support for his determination, and the Economic Community of West African States' historic decision, with the unanimous backing of the Security Council, to restore the rule of law in the Gambia so as to honour and respect the will of the country’s people.