The World Health Organization’s new report noted that, in this decade, almost 500 million people will develop heart disease, obesity, diabetes or other noncommunicable diseases due to physical inactivity. If Governments do not urgently encourage more physical activity, costs for this could reach $27 billion annually.
In progress at UNHQ
The latest Every Woman Every Child progress report was released today, and it shows that women’s and children’s health has suffered globally, as the impacts of conflict, the pandemic and climate change have converged with devastating impacts.
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, United Nations peacekeepers and the Congolese armed forces are regularly patrolling along national route 72 in Ituri’s Djugu territory. Reassured by the presence of national security forces and the United Nations, some displaced persons are also returning to their communities.
In the Gambia, the United Nations is assisting the Government following the deaths of a number of children due to acute kidney injury in the last two and a half months. The Organization is supporting authorities to investigate the cause of the outbreak and prevent further spread.
Following is the UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on World Food Day, observed on 16 October:
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies released a report today which says that heatwaves account for some of the deadliest disasters and are intensifying.
United Nations emergency efforts to boost Cuba’s response to Hurricane Ian are moving ahead. A combination of emergency funds from United Nations entities and their pre-positioned items are available to authorities, totaling $6.8 million.
Today is International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction and this year’s theme is “Stop Food Loss and waste, for the people, for the planet”. Food loss and waste account for 8 to 10 per cent of total global greenhouse gas emissions.
The United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide welcomed the opening of the trial against Félicien Kabuga before the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in The Hague. Mr. Kabuga, among other offenses, is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity, committed in Rwanda in 1994.
The United Nations has been stepping up efforts in Cabo Verde to support authorities to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Across three islands, the Organization has supported the creation of 1,000 jobs in 24 rural communities.