In progress at UNHQ



United Nations Secretary‑General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Ghada Fathi Waly of Egypt as the next Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).  Ms. Waly will also serve as Director‑General of the United Nations Office at Vienna.  She succeeds Yury V. Fedotov of the Russian Federation, to whom the Secretary‑General is grateful for his dedicated service to the Organization.


NEW YORK, 27 September (Office of Information and Communications Technology) — The United Nations announced today that the Office of Information and Communications Technology supported Germany on the set‑up of the new Financial Intelligence Unit under the Central Customs Authority in Cologne, dedicated for receiving, collecting and evaluating reports of suspicious financial transactions that might be related to money‑laundering or terrorist financing.

Today, in a message to a forum being held by the Palestinian Rights Committee to mark 50 years of occupation, the Secretary-General said it was time to return to direct negotiations and resolve all final status issues on the basis of relevant United Nations resolutions, agreements and international law.


DOHA, 19 April — Justice for all was a critical key to the success of the new sustainable development goals and an invaluable tool to fight criminal activities, terrorism and violence threatening communities around the world, delegates heard as the thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice concluded today.