In progress at UNHQ



United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, accompanied by Madam Ban Soon-taek, arrived late in the evening on Wednesday, 10 June, in Kyrgyzstan, the third stop in his five-country visit to Central Asia.


United nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, accompanied by Madam Ban Soon-taek, arrived in Astana, Kazakhstan, shortly before midnight on Tuesday, 9 June, from Tajikistan.  Kazakhstan was the second stop of his visit to the Central Asian nations.


Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, accompanied by Madam Ban Soon-taek, arrived in Seoul on Monday, 18 May, where he told reporters at the airport that, during this visit, he would hold talks with President Park Geun-hye and other senior officials of the Republic of Korea on development, climate change and regional concerns.  He also said he looked forward to addressing the Asia Leadership Conference, as well as the Seoul Digital Forum.