Security Council: Meetings Coverage


Substantial investigative progress has been made into international crimes committed by Da’esh — including through digitization of physical evidence — the head of the United Nations team investigating that group’s crimes told the Security Council today, as speakers highlighted that accountability for Da’esh’s heinous crimes remains an important element of reconciliation in Iraq’s transition from conflict to stability.


The destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant dam in Kherson — the most significant incident of damage to civilian infrastructure since the start of the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine — will have grave and far-reaching consequences for thousands of people in southern Ukraine, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator warned the Security Council today, as he updated the 15-member organ on the Organization’s response efforts.


Following the recently failed launch of what the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has described as a military reconnaissance satellite, a senior United Nations official today stressed to the Security Council that diplomacy — and not isolation — is the only way forward, as she underlined that the 15-nation organ’s lack of unity and action does little to slow the Korean Peninsula’s negative trajectory.


The Security Council today decided to renew measures designed to implement the arms embargo against Libya for another year, in particular those authorizing Member States — acting nationally or through regional organizations — to inspect vessels on the high seas off Libya’s coast believed to be in violation of the arms embargo imposed on that country.


Avoiding a nuclear accident at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant — the largest nuclear power station in Europe — is possible, the Head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stressed to the Security Council today as he outlined, to that end, five concrete principles to ensure that plant’s nuclear safety and security.


Recent expanded diplomatic efforts must be matched with real action to build confidence on the ground and arrive at a political solution that restores Syria’s sovereignty and unity and meets the aspirations of its people, the United Nations senior official on the ground said today during his briefing to the Security Council.