Security Council: Meetings Coverage

The free, fair and peaceful holding of upcoming elections was critical for Liberia’s emergence from its brutal civil war, but even if they succeeded, joint Liberian and international rebuilding efforts were not yet finished, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in that country told the Security Council today.
Sierra Leone was continuing to develop into a “stable, peaceful and economically more viable democracy”, but it was critical on the eve of general elections to reinforce that progress further to avert a resurgence of the tensions that had helped ignite the devastating civil war, the Secretary-General’s Executive Representative in that country told the Security Council today.
Recent violence accompanying a customs dispute between Kosovo and Serbia was a stark reminder of the threats to the former’s security, the Secretary-General’s Acting Special Representative there told the Security Council today, emphasizing that both sides must refrain from actions leading to an escalation of tensions and demonstrate confidence in their European Union-mediated dialogue.
The head of the newly established United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa this morning called on the Security Council to provide ongoing support for its efforts to stem cross-border threats to security in the region such as piracy, illicit small arms traffic, rebel militias and massive refugee returns due to the instability in Libya.
A complex amalgam in Somalia of accelerated political progress and the unexpected withdrawal of insurgents from the capital — amid a deadly famine devastating large swaths of the country — made increased international support to the nation urgent at this critical time, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative told the Security Council today. “This is an extraordinary moment for Somalia,” Augustine Mahiga said via video teleconference from Mogadishu.