Security Council: Meetings Coverage

In a meeting addressed by the Secretary-General along with Heads of State and Government and other high officials of its members, the Security Council this afternoon expressed its determination to enhance the effectiveness of the United Nations in preventing the eruption of armed conflicts, their escalation or spread when they occur and their resurgence once they end.
Pointing to the approach of general elections in Liberia and recognizing the “significant challenges” that remained across all sectors there despite the efforts of the Government in national reconciliation and recovery, the Security Council this afternoon extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the country (UNMIL) for one year, until 30 September 2012.
The Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations appealed this evening to authorities in Serbia and Kosovo to maintain calm and avoid exacerbating tensions over a plan to hand over authority on boundary crossing points to the European Union mission with the presence of Kosovo customs officials.
Declaring the present a “remarkable moment” for Somalia following recent broad-based agreements, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the east African country appealed to the Security Council today to send an unequivocal message of encouragement to its leadership while firmly opposing any return to political bickering or further extension of the political transition.
Emphasizing the importance of international support to Sierra Leone during the 2012 elections and its quest for long-term peace, security and development, the Security Council decided this morning to extend the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country for one year, until 15 September 2012.
The free, fair and peaceful holding of upcoming elections was critical for Liberia’s emergence from its brutal civil war, but even if they succeeded, joint Liberian and international rebuilding efforts were not yet finished, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in that country told the Security Council today.