Press Release
19991019Adopts Resolution (1269) Unanimously
Adopts Resolution (1269) Unanimously
Resolution 1267 (1999), Adopted Unanimously, Sets Out Measures To be Imposed if Demand Not Met by 14 November
Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Security Council this afternoon demanded that the Afghan faction, known as the Taliban, turn over Usama bin Laden to appropriate authorities in a country where he would be brought to justice. In that context, it decided that on 14 November all States shall freeze funds and prohibit the take-off and landing of Taliban-owned aircraft unless or until the Taliban complies with that demand.
Resolution 1268 (1999) Adopted Unanimously
Resolution 1266 (1999) Adopted Unanimously
In accordance with the principle of alphabetical rotation, the following are the new Chairmen of the United Nations security bodies for October:
Security Council
Sergey V. Lavrov (Russian Federation) succeeds Arnold Peter van Walsum (Netherlands) as President of the Security Council.
The West was prepared to spend $40 billion to fight a war in the Balkans, and less than 1 per cent of that to save the lives of tens of millions in Africa, the representative of Nigeria told the Security Council at the end of its two-day open debate on the situation in Africa.
Meeting to Resume Tomorrow
"Africa fatigue" was an affront to the very idea of a responsible international community, Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the Security Council as it convened an open meeting this morning on the situation in Africa.
Presidential Statement Calls for Effective Implementation of Arms Embargoes Imposed by Council
The Security Council this morning, at a ministerial-level meeting held to discuss the question of small arms, called for effective implementation of arms embargoes imposed by Council resolutions.
In Open Briefing of Council, President Appeals for Peacekeeping Force in Democratic Republic of Congo
Adopts Resolution 1265 (1999) Unanimously; Decides To Further Review Recommendations of Secretary-General