Press Release
19991215Resolution 1283 (1999) Adopted Unanimously
Resolution 1283 (1999) Adopted Unanimously
Secretary-General Calls for More Effective Engagement, Better Coordination Between Council, African Regional Organizations
Resolution 1282 (1999) Adopted 14-0-1 (Namibia)
There was cause for cautious optimism about peace and reconstruction in Sierra Leone, even in the midst of a volatile security situation, ongoing human rights violations and a continuing humanitarian crisis, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Bernard Miyet, to the Security Council this morning.
Resolution 1280 (1999) Adopted by 11-0-3; France, Not Voting, Says Text Not Practicable, Being Used to Apply Pressure
Unanimous Resolution 1279 (1999) Asks Secretary-General, Acting On Earlier Decisions, to Equip MONUC With Team of up to 500 Personnel
Resolution 1278 (1999) Seeks Successor to Judge Stephen Schwebel
In accordance with the principle of alphabetical rotation, the following are the new Chairmen of the United Nations security bodies for December:
Security Council
Sir Jeremy Greenstock (United Kingdom) succeeds Danilo Türk (Slovenia) as President of the Security Council.
Military Staff Committee
Resolution 1277 (1999) Asks Secretary-General to Coordinate Change of Mode
The Security Council this afternoon decided to continue the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti (MIPONUH) in order to ensure a phased transition to an International Civilian Support Mission in Haiti (MICAH) by 15 March 2000.