In progress at UNHQ

Security Council: No name


The Security Council must adopt its provisional rules of procedure, regularly consult with troop- and police-contributing countries, restrict veto use and make it easier for the wider United Nations membership to access — and understand — its deliberations, speakers in the 15-member body said today, as they reported mixed reviews on efforts to improve working methods over the last decade.


The world must recognize that Iraq was at a critical juncture, requiring more — not less — international support, the senior United Nations official there told the Security Council today, also pressing the strife-torn country to implement substantive economic, institutional and anti-corruption reforms that would place it on the road to recovery.


The failure of Israeli and Palestinian leaders to advance peace had created a vacuum that extremists were stepping in to fill, Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon told the Security Council today, urging both sides immediately to begin discussions with the Middle East Quartet and to coordinate with regional stakeholders in efforts to break the entrenched political impasse.