In progress at UNHQ

Security Council: No name


On 19 October 2016, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo enacted the amendments specified with strikethrough and underline in the entry below on its Sanctions List of individuals and entities subject to the measures reaffirmed by paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of Security Council resolution 2293 (2016) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations:


Citing outbreaks of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, Israeli settlement activity, Palestinian political turmoil and militant activity, along with continued suffering in Gaza, speakers in a day-long debate at the Security Council warned that, regardless of other conflict in the region, the situation must not be ignored.


On 13 October 2016, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo enacted the amendments specified with strikethrough and underline in the entries below on its Sanctions List of individuals and entities subject to the measures reaffirmed by paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of Security Council resolution 2293 (2016) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations:


On 11 October, the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) enacted the amendments specified with underline and strikethrough in the entry below on its ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 2253 (2015) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations: