Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the high-level event on Libya, in New York today:
In progress at UNHQ
A high-level event on South Sudan took place on 29 September 2015 at the Head of State level. As an outcome of the meeting, the members of IGAD Plus supported issuing the following communiqué:
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the high-level thematic debate of the General Assembly marking the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations under the theme: “maintenance of international peace and security”, in New York today:
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the United Nations International Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Group of Friends ministerial meeting, in New York today:
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for the International Day of Non-violence, observed on 2 October:
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the high-level meeting on the Central African Republic, in New York today:
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the ministerial meeting of the least developed countries, in New York today:
ollowing is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority, to the ministerial event on Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Peace Operations, in New York today:
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Lieutenant-General Ajax Porto Pinheiro of Brazil as the Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).