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In Message to International World Congress, Secretary-General Says Empowered Consumers Must Continue Calling for Ecologically Sustainable Future

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, as delivered by Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in Brasilia, today:

I am pleased to send greetings to the twentieth Consumers International World Congress, and I thank the Government of Brazil and Her Excellency President Dilma Rousseff for hosting.

In September, world leaders adopted ambitious goals and targets to end poverty, protect the planet and achieve lasting prosperity for all.  The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a plan of action to empower people and leave no one behind.

Sustainable Development Goal 12, on responsible consumption and production, explicitly recognizes the responsibility of consumers to make sustainable choices.  To accomplish this, consumers must be empowered by better information and stronger consumer protection.

The twentieth century consumer is a global consumer.  There are more consumers today than at any time in history; today's consumers have the largest choice of goods and services ever seen.  But greater numbers and choice also entail greater risks.

The newly revised United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection, which are expected to be adopted by the General Assembly in its current session, are both stronger and more relevant to today’s consumers than any previous international instrument.  I thank the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development for supporting the negotiations and Consumers International for its significant contribution to the revision process.

Consumers can be powerful agents for change, with businesses and Governments responding to consumer preferences.  The choices made by consumers worldwide can greatly influence sustainable and equitable development and reduce the risks of unmanageable climate change.  In the lead-up to the climate conference in Paris in December, a growing chorus of consumer voices has been among those calling for a transformation to a more ecologically sustainable future.

Empowered consumers must continue to be on the leading edge of change as we implement Agenda 2030.  As consumer rights groups and consumer protection agencies you are important partners.  I count on you to help improve consumer knowledge, advocate for consumer-friendly policies and promote sustainable consumption that promotes a life of dignity for all.

I welcome your continued engagement with the United Nations system, and I wish you a productive meeting.

For information media. Not an official record.