Following is a transcript of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ press conference, held in New York today:
In progress at UNHQ
Press Conference
The Security Council on 20 September would hold a high-level open debate on United Nations peacekeeping reform to consider recommendations contained in the report of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations, Tekeda Alemu (Ethiopia), Council President for the month, said at a Headquarters press conference today.
The Security Council would consider peacekeeping operations — with a focus on peacebuilding and sustaining peace — during an open debate to be held on 29 August, Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta (Egypt), its President for August, said at a Headquarters press conference today.
The Security Council would consider questions spanning four continents this month, and its work would include action on peacekeeping and political mandates, as well as holding two open debates and a briefing on Syria, on the heels of peace talks expected to resume tomorrow, Liu Jieyi (China), its President for July, said at a Headquarters press conference today.
Following is a transcript of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ press conference, held in New York today:
The Security Council would consider, for the first time, a comprehensive approach to mine action, among a range of priority themes expected to dominate its work this month, Sacha Sergio Llorentty Solíz (Bolivia), its President for June, said at a Headquarters press conference today.
The protection of civilians in armed conflict would be the central theme of the Security Council’s work in the coming month, Elbio Rosselli (Uruguay), its President for May, said at a Headquarters press conference today.
The Security Council would hold two thematic debates, including — for the first time — one on the role of human rights in the maintenance of international peace and security, said Nikki Haley (United States), its President for April, at a Headquarters press conference today.
The Security Council would organize its work in March around the theme “Preventing conflict in Africa”, Matthew Rycroft (United Kingdom), its President for that month, said at a Headquarters press conference today.
The following is the full transcript of the joint press conference on the humanitarian crises in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres; Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Stephen O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator; Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP); Carla Mucavi, Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Liaison Office in New York; and Justin Forsyth, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), held in New York today: