Until donors ramped up contributions, humanitarian actors were no longer able to provide core assistance to the record number of displaced people worldwide, the head of the United Nations refugee agency told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today as it concluded discussions on racism and began consideration of humanitarian questions.
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Greater cooperation among all stakeholders was needed for an open and comprehensive intergovernmental preparatory process to the Habitat III Conference, the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) heard today as it took up its agenda item on the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
Concerned about the possibility of outer space becoming “an arena for military confrontation”, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) today approved a draft resolution, one of two on the topic, asking the General Assembly to urge an early commencement of substantive work to prevent the placement of weapons in outer space.
In the wake of allegations of corruption against a previous President of the General Assembly, representatives of the 193-member body today debated the function of and the selection to the United Nations highest leadership positions.
The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today approved a draft resolution that aimed to improve the quality of conference services held in its offices around the globe while upholding the equal use of its six official languages in the written world of documents and publications as well as crucial interpretation and translation services.
Opening discussion today on the broad array of issues deliberated upon by the International Law Commission in its sixty-seventh session, the Sixth Committee (Legal) began with the first cluster of topics, debating the Commission’s approach to “Protection of the atmosphere” and its conclusions on the “Most-Favoured-Nation clause”, of which it had completed consideration.
Social protection was crucial to achieve an end to hunger, the representative of Guyana told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today as it met to discuss agriculture development, food security and nutrition.
Acknowledging the ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world, which was a “global public good of the highest order”, a new draft resolution in the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) approved today asks the General Assembly to declare that those weapons were “inherently immoral” and that all States shared an ethical responsibility to eliminate and prohibit them.
States needed to develop necessary legislative and policy mechanisms in accordance with international laws to tackle challenges including foreign fighters and Nazism, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) heard today as it began consideration of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and of the right to self-determination with a series of interactive dialogues with top officials.
The Security Council this morning underscored the importance of increased coordination, cooperation and interaction among the principal organs of the United Nations, in particular the Council, the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, other relevant bodies including the Peacebuilding Commission, and regional organizations, including the African Union.