In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


By one of three draft resolutions the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) approved today, the General Assembly would welcome the peaceful and competitive conduct of the elections held in Myanmar on 8 November 2015, but express serious concern over political disenfranchisement and the disqualification of candidates from the Rohingya community and religious and ethnic minorities.


Delegates at today’s Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) meeting aired their concerns on the financing of the proposed renovation of the historic Palais des Nations in Geneva – estimated to tally nearly $1 billion - and the Secretariat’s first year of work in carrying out a comprehensive information and communications technology strategy.


The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today rejected one text and sent another six draft resolutions to the General Assembly, among them a draft that would have the world body urge States not to return a person to another State if he or she faced risks of being subjected to torture and to ensure that border control operations and reception centres fully complied with human rights.


Today’s violent conflicts, most recently marked by terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad, were often rooted in a mix of exclusion, inequality and governance failures, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the Security Council today, urging a greater focus on prevention, human rights and coherence among all actors to address problems which, when allowed to fester, led to large-scale atrocity.


The Security Council requested today that the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals present, by Friday, 20 November, its report on the progress of work in its initial four-year period, and that the related informal working group examine that report, so that a mandated review of the Mechanism would be complete by 21 December.