In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


The Organization and Member States must work together to ensure accountability for crimes committed by United Nations officials and experts on missions, Sixth Committee (Legal) delegates stressed today during a far-ranging meeting that also included deliberations on the responsibility of States for internationally wrong acts and diplomatic protection.


Delegates in the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) described today the myriad challenges they faced in combating the illicit drug trade and the related scourges of terrorism and human trafficking, calling for more cooperation and people-centred approaches, as they held their general discussion on crime prevention, criminal justice and international drug control.


Sharing best practices to ensure access to justice as a critical driver of the rule of law, speakers described the unique characteristics of the principle when implemented into national platforms, legal programmes and initiatives, as the Sixth Committee (Legal) continued its deliberations on the matter today (see Press Release GA/L/3519).